BMH Blog — Christ the King Priory

9 Day Novena

Ever since the arrival of the Missionary Benedictines in Schuyler, Nebraska, the annual Novena of 9 days of Prayer and Holy Mass takes place in August, culminating with the celebration of the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven.


Be assured that your intentions are included in our prayers. We ask Jesus to keep you in HIS loving care and to grant your petitions through the intercession of Mary who, as our faith teaches us, was taken up into heaven. We wish you a blessed and joyous Feast of the Assumption of Mary and the experience that Mary too is keeping you and yours under her protection.

Novena Prayer:
Virgin, Jesus’ Mother mild,
Keep me ever as thy child,
Thine in life and thine in death,
Thine in sorrow, gloom and dread,
Thine in pain and crosses sore,
Thine today and evermore;
Virgin, Jesus’ Mother mild,
Keep me ever as thy child! Amen

It is not too late to let us know your intentions. Learn more about our work and Current Appeal by visiting our webpages at
We thank you for your prayerful and financial support of our ministries.

On behalf of all the monks:
Br. Tobias, OSB

PS: Thursday, August 15th, Evening Prayer and Eucharist at the monastery chapel at 5:30 PM
Sunday, August 18th, Mass will be celebrated at 8:30 AM at St. Benedict Center Chapel.


Project update: Seoul, South Korea

Renovation of Monastery Wing to Assisted Living for elderly Sisters and addition to Benedict Nursing Home getting closer to completion.

Sr. Michele Lee, OSB on behalf of Sr. Rosa Marie, Prioress, and Sr. M. David, Business Office, and all the Sisters of the Priory extend their thanks to the friends of the Benedictine Mission House in Schuyler for the generous support of the project. As the pictures document, finishing touches on the outside of the new addition and monastery are in progress while the inside still needs work with covering pipes, flooring, and walls. Interesting: design of floor heating elements. The Sisters hope to complete the project later this year.

Our office transferred a total of $200,000 towards the project thanks to the generosity of so many friends. The Sisters are grateful that a major part of the renovation cost is covered with gifts coming through the Mission House. Additional funding was provided from financial resources the sisters had invested for this purpose, and from friends and benefactors of the Seoul Priory in South Korea. As more funds become available in months ahead, we certainly will not forget the needs of our Sisters in Korea.

Br. Tobias OSB


Message from the Mission Office


Memories of the celebration of Pentecost in the Archdiocese of Omaha still linger on as I reflect on the message that I heard over and over while attending the ArchOmaha Unite celebration on Saturday, June 8th.

One Church – Encountering Jesus – Equipping Disciples – Living Mercy

This is the vision the Archdiocese of Omaha has embraced and will focus on in years to come. This vision certainly applies to all the faithful no matter where we live.

As Missionary Benedictines we are “bridge builders” – reaching out to those in need wherever we serve. The various appeals coming from the mission office reflect this. Whatever we do, we do not for our own gain but to the “Glory of God” as St. Benedict admonishes his followers.

We are in the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. May we all experience HIS love and mercy on a daily basis! The Solemnity of the Sacred Heart is a major feast for our Congregation. I invite you to let us know your intentions to be included in prayer on this special day, June 28th. At Christ the King Priory – Benedictine Mission House we will celebrate Holy Mass that day at 11:00 AM. Should you be in the area, come and join us.

We truly appreciate your friendship. You also assist us in our ministries with fervent prayer and, whenever possible, with financial support. Thank you and may God bless and reward you!

Bro. Tobias, O.S.B.

P.S.: Check us out at

The current appeal supports farming projects of our confreres in Tanzania, Zambia and Egypt.

Below: The latest pictures supplied by Sr. Michele in Seoul, Korea, where funds from the Lenten appeal have helped with the renovation of the monastery wing into assisted living for the sisters and the addition to the nursing home, a sponsored ministry of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters.


From Brother Tobias in the Mission Office

Easter Season 2019

All over the world, Christians celebrated the Feast of Feasts – Easter – on April 21st and our Orthodox brothers and sisters followed one week later, celebrating the same mystery that unites us, the Resurrection of Jesus. For 50 days the joyous sounds of Alleluia dominates hymns that the community of faith sings celebrating Eucharist or the Liturgy of the Hours.

The merciful love of the Lord fills the earth;
by the word of the Lord the heavens were made, alleluia.
                                                                                                  Psalm 33, 5-6


We have entered the month of May. Looking through a daily devotional for the month, I am reminded of St. Joseph the Worker (May 1st), Jesus the Good Shepherd (4th Sunday of Easter – May 12th), Julian of Norwich (Mystic who lived in England from 1342 – 1416), St. Joan of Arc (1412 – 1431), the Ascension of the Lord (May 30th), the Visitation of Mary (May 31st) just to name a few that caught my attention.

The month of May is dedicated to our heavenly Mother Mary. May she who followed her son Jesus so faithfully intercede for us so that we too may come closer to HIM as we journey through life!

It sure is a wonderful custom to observe Mother’s Day each year on the second Sunday of May. The love of a mother influences a child and spouse; the care of a mother knows no limits. Much can be said but I invite you, the reader, to spend time in reflecting on the role of motherhood and what you learned from the example of your mother.

 On Mother’s Day, May 12th, Holy Mass at Christ the King Priory will especially be offered for all mothers, living and deceased. Let us be united in prayer and ask our Blessed Mother and Jesus, the Good Shepherd, to reward all mothers for their dedication to family life.

Easter Blessings!
                                                Bro. Tobias, OSB
                                                and all the monks

Online donations in honor or memory of mothers towards our work, especially for the care of the elderly entrusted to our Sisters in Seoul, Korea (Lenten Appeal) or towards the clean water project in Peramiho are greatly appreciated.


From Brother Tobias in the Mission Office


A Lenten Reflection – Ash Wednesday 2019

The First Reading for Mass on Monday and Tuesday of the 8th Week of Ordinary Time, the days leading up to Ash Wednesday, were taken from the Wisdom Scriptures found in the Book of Sirach, Chapter 17:20-24 and 35:1-12. These verses are filled with solid advice that certainly spoke to me. The sacrifices, small as these may be, are pleasing to God. One sentence struck me especially: “The Lord is one who always repays and he gives back to you sevenfold.”

On Ash Wednesday we heard from the Prophet Joel the invitation: “return to me with your whole heart…” The directives of praying, fasting and almsgiving are well-known and preachers and fundraisers extend “invitations” to put these into action at least during the 40 Days of Lent by supporting a special project with charitable contributions and/or prayers for success. Another familiar Scripture passage says: “God loves a cheerful giver!”

The Lenten appeal and acknowledgement message coming from the mission office brings another aspect of the Lenten journey to mind when I quote from a verse from the Rule of St. Benedict found in Chapter 49 “On the Observance of Lent” where Benedict says: “…and look forward to holy Easter with joy and spiritual longing.”

It took me many years of my monastic journey to grasp this “positive advice” for Lent. For many years the word Lent had a sour aftertaste with rules and regulations I had difficulties accepting. Finally, I was given the grace of understanding. Joy is a keyword for the journey. Joy transforms – joy empowers – joy eases the burden of daily living.

Therefore let me wish you a joyous, blessed and grace-filled Lent! On Easter Sunday let us unite our prayers and voices in a joyous Alleluia as we celebrate the Feast of Feasts, the Resurrection of Jesus!

Bro. Tobias, O.S.B.

P.S.: The ministry of “fundraiser” takes courage in asking for help. Please check out our Current Appeal on the website at You know how far you can stretch your financial resources to make a charitable contribution. We in turn keep the solemn promise to remember you in daily prayer


Happy New Year!


At the end of a civic year we look back on the events of the past 12 months. The Year 2018 had its challenges, but also its joy and graces.

I selected this image of a natural bridge and the wide open space that is beyond the opening. We step out in faith into a new year not knowing what will lie ahead.

It is my wish and prayer that throughout 2019 and beyond we will experience the Lord’s presence and guidance. May HE give us strength to deal with personal challenges and health issues and the wisdom to make the right decisions that affect the future!

God’s peace be with us and may peace reign in our world!

Happy New Year

Bro. Tobias, O.S.B.
and the monks of Christ the King Priory/Benedictine Mission House & St. Benedict Center


Jubilee Reflections - by Sr. Jeanne Ranek, OSB

Reflections - Golden Jubilee Celebration for Br. Tobias Dammert, OSB - Oct. 21, 2018 - 5. Jeanne Ranek, 058

It is jubilee time! It's a time to rejoice in God's gracious call and fidelity. It is a day to gather with you, Brother Tobias, to celebrate two very special occasions in your life -70 years of life and 50 years as a professed monk of the Missionary Benedictine Congregation. We are so blessed to celebrate with you.

What we celebrate first and foremost on a jubilee of monastic profession is indeed God's faithful love. In 1 Thessalonians (5:16-24) we read, "The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do this." God will and does bring us to jubilee days, but not without a generous measure of good zeal on our part. Getting to know you, Tobias, I came to know that you are full of it-good zeal, that is! Thank God! And, thank you, Tobias, for your initial response to this call and for your daily renewal of the covenant you entered 50 years ago.

I try to imagine Klaus (as he was known then) as a youngster in his hometown of Karlsruhe in Germany-not for from the Missionary Benedictine Abbey of Muensterschwarzach. One could imagine him with his six siblings engaged in a variety of games and pranks as well as hiking off to serve early morning Mass. I understand that you, Tobias, were not so fond of school as a youngster and found yourself attracted to the Abbey trade school where you learned the skills and art of tailoring.

I am amazed at all the ways you've served Community and the People of God over the past 50 years: tailor, cook, housekeeper, Director of Development with mountains of correspondence in that fund-raising/friend-raising work, Priory Treasurer, Liturgist, Vocation Director, Spiritual Director. Add to that list service on the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council and Liturgy Commission, and leadership on the Omaha Archdiocesan Association for Consecrated Life. The list goes on; is there anything you can't do?

There is always plenty of manual work and ministry to be done in our monasteries, but Saint Benedict is clear about the monastery as a "workshop" for interior work, perhaps the most demanding work of the monk. We are supplied with lots of tools-74 of them in chapter 4 of the Rule alone. Those tools serve us through all the difficulties and reversals life brings.

Anyone who has tried living in community, really living the cenobitic life, knows that community life is not easy. Often it is the "little" things that stretch us-the monk or nun singing loud and off-key; the one who forgets to sign out the car or to return the keys; those who are always "too busy" to volunteer their help in a crunch; the one who always insists that there is a better way to do this; or the one who can't see beyond "this is the way we've always done it!" We really do love these people. It's just that some days, it is a difficult to like them. Such a variety of attitudes and behaviors to deal with! And, through it all we forge strong bonds of affection.

Those "little stretches," it turns out , are the stuff of conversion and the means for growing in all those fundamental qualities Saint Benedict tries to foster in his followers­ mutual obedience , humility , a listening heart , respect shown by anticipating one anothers needs, and bearing with one anothers shortcomings whether of body or character. The covenant we enter at profession is a relational covenant requiring inner work. In this school of life-long formation we commit to conversatio morum. We make a solemn promise to seal our baptismal commitment to being transformed in Christ.

The challenge is always a change of heart, ever-deepening conversions of heart, met anoia. In his remarkable book, Blessed Simplicity, Raimundo Pannikar writes, "All monastic traditions stress [compunctio cordis, conversio morum, and metanoia] compunction of heart , conversion of lif e, a change of heart ." Monastic spirituality is all about transformation.

The monastic agenda of transformation in Christ resonates with a deep and natural psychological orientation. " There is in us," write John Sanford, "an urge toward self ­ realization...[It is] a purging process....[in which] one...finds oneself plunged into the inner fire to be purged, purified and made fit for the kingdom...The emergence of the whole person is...the crucifixion of the individual ego...." It is the paschal mystery at work in our lives. In John's Gospel account (12: 24) this mystery of death and resurrection reads like this: "Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." This is hard work, decade after decade-for 50 years and all the years still ahead!

I am reluctant to speak for you, Tobias, or for anyone else. I just know that for me, there are lots of rough edges yet to be honed in this rock-tumbler we call community life. We bring ourselves-with warts and foibles-to the "table" of life. God does the transforming. It is Eucharist in the daily. God's purpose will not be thwarted. God promised. God is faithful. And, God will do this! All we need bring is our trust, our desire, our good zeal, our "yes" to the ordinary efforts of each day.

I've noticed, Tobias, that it is not out of the ordinary for you to cross the Atlantic Ocean often because of Congregational responsibilities. In fact, I think you would hold your own in some frequent-flier-of-the-year competition. Surely, the bi-annual meetings at your Abbey in Germany are made joyful by the opportunity to visit family and the monks there.

You have described yourself as an optimist. You do seem to have a penchant for putting a hopeful spin on every circumstance. When faced with a challenge, Tobias' practice and advice is: "Take it to prayer, and let God touch your heart - and don't hesitate to say 'yes."' That is good zeal.

In his wisdom, St. Benedict knew that his progeny would sometimes hesitate in the face of what we perceive to be "impossible tasks." Tobias recalls being tested only once to that extent, when in 1975, his dream of being a missionary to Africa was thwarted by an assignment to fill the need for a cook and housekeeper in the pastures of Nebraska, USA! Nevertheless, fortified by his father's recollections of kind treatment as a prisoner of war in the Carolinas and Georgia, and in the spirit of good zeal, Tobias embraced this new mission wholeheartedly-even becoming a US citizen in 1982, and he reports, "I would do it all over again; I am very grateful." And, Tobias, so are we!

A brush with death goes a long way in putting things in clearer perspective. As we know, Tobias, you encountered that frightening experience this past year, and came through those perilous days exclaiming, "I want to live!" Today, we are here to celebrate life with you-70 years of it, 50 of those years as a monk.

And so we rejoice with you, Tobias, celebrating God's gracious invitation and the good zeal that is your gift and guide through all that has been and through all that will yet be. A jubilee is a time to rejoice and renew our commitment to heed Benedict's wise advice for followers in every age, "Let them prefer nothing whatever to Christ, and may He bring us all together to everlasting life."


Message from the Mission Office



“Eternal rest grant unto them o Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace!”

Just a few days ago I waited at a rural cemetery located in the “Bohemian Alps” as the area around Schuyler is also known, for the funeral procession out of Omaha to arrive. From the cemetery you could almost see at a distance the monastery nestled into a hillside.

A good friend of the monastery and retreat house found his final resting place right next to the grave of his son who died in 1991. At that time, our monastery became the spiritual home for the family as they dealt with the sickness and eventual death of their loved one. I never knew the young man but his father and eventually the family became good friends.

During the month of November we will again remember at daily Holy Mass at the monastery all the faithful departed and trust that they have reached their eternal home with our Creator God, with Jesus and all the Saints.

We all are in need of a spiritual home and of family and friends who are there for us in time of need. I experienced this in early March 2018. I was told that I was close to heaven’s door but by the grace of God and the prayers of many I was given another chance. Now I truly appreciate the gift of life even more and I am grateful to God for this.

As I reflect on my life’s journey two milestones come to mind. In September I observed the 50th anniversary of monastic profession and then a few days ago my 70th birthday. God has been a faithful companion throughout these years – even though I was not always fully aware of this since life has its challenges and joys. I could celebrate these milestones with the monastic community in Germany and with my family and then again with the monks of Christ the King Priory and many friends.

Many disturbing events have shaken our country. Let us pray for peace, but also for the victims of violence and hatred, especially for our Jewish brothers and sisters as they deal with the Pittsburgh massacre.

God of Love and Peace,
Father of us all,
Help us to overcome division and unite us as Your children,
respecting the ethnic diversity of the human family.

Br. Tobias Dammert, O.S.B.


Joyful Update from Digos, Philippines!

The monks of St. Benedict Priory in Digos, Philippines, joyfully announce the blessing of the new retreat house on the Solemnity of St. Benedict, July 11th.

Thanks to the generosity of many friends of the Benedictine Mission House and our European mission offices the dream for a new wing and upgrade of the existing retreat house was made possible.  

We wish our brothers in Digos God’s choicest blessings for their ministry and to all Benedictine women and men around the world a joyous celebration of the Solemnity of St. Benedict.


Fr. Thomas' Diary: Tanzania

It was a joy and a privilege for me to travel to Ndanda Abbey in Tanzania/East Africa this year. The occasion was an international conference of monastic formation directors. I had, at the same time, the opportunity to meet my brother monks with whom I had lived and worked for six years in the early 1990’s. I got to know many Tanzanian monks whom I had not seen yet because they had joined after I had left; they carry on our work now. I experienced joyful encounters with many parishioners in the parishes in which I was stationed. Also, I could visit various projects that our friends in the US have supported through the Benedictine Mission House and that are now very helpful and beneficial for the local population. Here is my dairy:

Day 1


It felt like coming home. I had just arrived on Tanzanian soil, at Julius Nyerere International Airport in Dar es Salaam. It is named after the independent nation’s first famous president. The journey went well, in spite of many delays: two hours in Omaha, two hours in Newark, NJ. One and a half hours in Addis Ababa. The delays matched well and I did not miss any flights. Now I am waiting for the last leg of my itinerary, the flight to the southern coastal city of Mtwara.


Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus


Today, June 8th, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

We recall with gratitude the love that Jesus has for all HIS children. What a tremendous mystery! It is my hope and prayer that we, as faithful followers of Jesus, can bring His love to all the people we encounter. In a world going through challenges of secularization we need the grace of turning to HIM, the source of our life and share HIS love, joy and peace with all around us.

As I meditate on the mystery of God’s love for us expressed in the Sacred Heart of Jesus the words of a hymn come to mind:

For the love of God is broader than the measures of our mind,
and the heart of the Eternal is most wonderfully kind.
If our love were but more simple we should take him at his word,
and our lives would be thanksgiving for the goodness of our Lord.

The Missionary Benedictine Congregation of St. Ottilien has a special devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Founded in 1884 by Fr. Andreas Amrhein, the young group of monks and missionaries were entrusted to the patronage of the Sacred Heart. United in prayer with all our confreres around the world we implore the Sacred Heart of Jesus to watch over all our families, friends, benefactors and communities and to obtain from God the grace of perseverance in our own vocation.


for your prayerful and financial assistance, whenever possible, 
so that we can continue our work of bringing Christ’s message to people we encounter in our
ministries.  We remember you and yours in our prayer and especially at Holy Mass.

Br. Tobias Dammert, OSB
and community



Thank you from Ndanda Abbey – Tanzania

New Foundation in Mozambique

Fr. Christian Temu, O.S.B. from Ndanda reports: “Construction of the mission station in Mozambique started at the beginning of Lent 2018. Shown in this picture are two monks from Hanga Abbey responsible for the project working hand in hand with local contractor and workers. The foundations for the permanent housing for the community are laid; the walls (not shown) are rising slowly.  The experts estimate that by Christmas of this year the building will be ready for occupation.


We hope by the beginning of 2019 to have a fairly well established home base for our missionaries assigned to the Mozambique foundation from where they will be able to reach out to Christians in the surrounding villages. Asante sana – thank you for your help!”

The scripture passage comes to mind: “If the Lord does not build the house, they labor in vain who build it.” The monks of Ndanda could only start the project knowing that there is a support system standing behind their effort, one of them the prayers and financial sacrifices of the friends of the Benedictine Mission House.

The long winter months are giving way to spring and summer. It is my hope and prayer that the coming months will bring many graces and blessings as we journey through life with Jesus who has conquered death and has risen from the grave to new life with the Father.

Thanks you for your help!

Happy Easter Season – Happy Spring

Bro. Tobias, OSB


In The Spotlight - Fr. Anastasius Reiser, OSB

We have been blessed to have Fr. Anastasius as a guest here at Christ the King Priory for the past several months.  One of his passions is cooking and baking.  The monks and many of the employees have been the happy recipients of his handiwork.  He prepared many authentic cookies and treats during the holiday season – most of which he learned from his mother.  Enjoy the slide show!

Below is a little bit of history about Fr. Anastasius and what his plans are when he leaves later this month.  He will truly be missed by all of us here. 

Father Anastasius Reiser OSB


Abbot of Peramiho from 2006 – 2017
Missionary in Peramiho from 2002

Before going to Peramiho I have been

-  the Headmaster of our Trade School with Boarding School in Münsterschwarzach,

-  in charge of our public relations work in internet and publications for the mission

- vocation director

- Junior Master (education for Monks with temporary vows)

- working in youth pastoral of Münsterschwarzach Abbey

- Cantor of Münsterschwarzach Abbey

- Teacher for Gregorian Chant; every year I gave several courses in our guest houses

- giving retreats and spiritual direction

In Peramiho:  One of my first tasks was to transition the community of Peramiho from a European dominated monastery to an African community.

When I came to Peramiho we still had 35 Missionaries from Europe.   After 11 years there are only 10 Missionaries left; all now older than 80 years.

Education of the young Tanzanian confreres in Peramiho was very important. We trained them in various fields: Pastoral education in our Seminary (Priest education), Agriculture, Administration, workshops, carpentry, car mechanic, electrical workshop etc.

The young Tanzanian confreres have to take over the responsibilities from the former European monks.  Up to now all workshops and institutions are under the supervision of Tanzanian Monks or employees.

As Abbot I had to supervise our Monastery with 70 Monks, the workshops with 400 employees, all together more the 35 institutions on the campus of the Abbey.

Very important is our Peramiho St. Joseph Mission Hospital. A hospital with 400 beds. We provide service to different sections: in general medicine, children, surgery, gynecology, dental, eyes, heart. The hospital is one of the best working hospitals in Tansania.

The priests of Peramiho Abbey are working in the parish with 15 outstations and more than 40.000 parishioners.

For the people in the region of Peramiho the Monks provide development aid in water supply, electricity, building schools and kindergartens, orphans care, HIV-care, paying school fees to needy persons, helping elder and sick people who can't help themselves, via our Caritas system.

My future will be at our Motherhouse in St. Ottilien Archabbey in Germany.  From March 2018 on, I will be the Mission Procurator of our Congregation (Missionary Benedictines of St. Ottilien).  My duties will be spread all over the world. I will supervise our mission work in various countries in Africa, like Tanzania, Uganda, Kenia, Zambia, Mozambique, Togo, South Africa and Egypt.

Or in Asia, like India, Philippines, China, South Korea.  Also in South America, like Venezuela, Colombia and Cuba.

The mission work is mostly Development Assistance and pastoral care for the local communities.


God Bless you, Fr. Anastasius, in all that you do!


Another chapter of our history in Schuyler ends!


The chronicler is not aware when the first printing press was installed at our former location on West 10th Street in Schuyler. However, he remembers vividly when the press was moved in August 1979 from the basement to the monastery on Mission Hill north of town. 

In 1990 a Heidelberg One Color Offset Press was installed. Millions of fundraising letters and brochures, etc. in support of our work, including the unique birthday and Christmas cards were printed on this press until May 2014 when the last press operator entered eternal life.

For almost 80 years the art of printing at the Mission House was handles by Press Operators Br. Alphonse Kraklauer, OSB, Br. Paul Vogt, OSB, Mr. Ralph Pfeiffer, Br. Alexander Haemel, OSB, and Mr. Greg O’Connell.

On Friday, January 26th the press was removed from the Mission House premises after standing idle for almost four years to find a new home wherever this will be. Changing technology and the age of digital printing was a decisive factor to outsource all our printing needs.

With gratitude we acknowledge the dedicated service of all our press operators over the years.

Written by Bro. Tobias Dammert, OSB

In Memoriam - Br. Felix Meckel, OSB

Br. Felix Meckel, O.S.B.      * May 19th, 1900    +January 27, 1980

It was on a snowy Saturday when Br. Felix suffered a stroke and was admitted to the local hospital. The following evening, Sunday, January 27th, he gave his life back to the Creator.

Bro Felix.jpg

Br. Felix came to the Schuyler in 1935 as one of the founding members of the Benedictine Mission House.  His trademark, as many friends confirmed, was his gentleness and great smile. He is remembered as one of “Christ’s beggars” on behalf of the Missionary Benedictines. Countless contacts developed into friendships and supporters of our worldwide mission. Br. Felix relied on public transportation and the service of countless volunteers who took him around the region in whichever State he traveled at the time to connect with donors. He certainly personified that “fund raising” results in “friend raising.”

Even 38 years later, friends still remember Br. Felix who visited their homes when they were children. He left a lasting legacy.


God grant his servant eternal rest and peace! We in turn have a great intercessor in heaven.

Published January 27, 2018

Br. Tobias, OSB

Creative Talents - Brother Sebastian Goldade


The talents of the monks of Christ the King Priory are as diverse as the monks themselves.  One of those talented monks is Brother Sebastian Goldade.  He became a monk in 1960 and was part of the Benedictine community of Blue Cloud Abbey in Marvin, South Dakota.  There he learned and perfected his skills of making vestments and alter cloths.  He also learned the art of weaving.  In the late 70’s he began weaving an alter cloth for the abbey church.  He chose the colors blue and green – blue for the Advent season and green as a sign of growth and life.  The weave pattern is a Maltese Cross that alternates from blue to green and repeats. 


Brother Sebastian created a wall hanging that is now in the chapel of Christ the King Priory.  This was made from a remnant of the original altar cloth that he wove so many years ago. 

“I found it exciting to see strings turning into cloth and to see the pattern develop before your eyes.  It took me about 2 years to weave the altar cloth.”  Brother Sebastian completed the weaving in his spare time while continuing his ministry of making hand-sewn vestments and altar linens. 

He continues his work here at the monastery in Schuyler.  Hundreds of stoles, albs, chasubles, dalmatics and copes have been created at the artistic hand of Brother Sebastian.
