9 Day Novena
Ever since the arrival of the Missionary Benedictines in Schuyler, Nebraska, the annual Novena of 9 days of Prayer and Holy Mass takes place in August, culminating with the celebration of the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven.
Be assured that your intentions are included in our prayers. We ask Jesus to keep you in HIS loving care and to grant your petitions through the intercession of Mary who, as our faith teaches us, was taken up into heaven. We wish you a blessed and joyous Feast of the Assumption of Mary and the experience that Mary too is keeping you and yours under her protection.
Novena Prayer:
Virgin, Jesus’ Mother mild,
Keep me ever as thy child,
Thine in life and thine in death,
Thine in sorrow, gloom and dread,
Thine in pain and crosses sore,
Thine today and evermore;
Virgin, Jesus’ Mother mild,
Keep me ever as thy child! Amen
It is not too late to let us know your intentions. Learn more about our work and Current Appeal by visiting our webpages at www.missionmonks.org.
We thank you for your prayerful and financial support of our ministries.
On behalf of all the monks:
Br. Tobias, OSB
PS: Thursday, August 15th, Evening Prayer and Eucharist at the monastery chapel at 5:30 PM
Sunday, August 18th, Mass will be celebrated at 8:30 AM at St. Benedict Center Chapel.