From Brother Tobias in the Mission Office
Easter Season 2019
All over the world, Christians celebrated the Feast of Feasts – Easter – on April 21st and our Orthodox brothers and sisters followed one week later, celebrating the same mystery that unites us, the Resurrection of Jesus. For 50 days the joyous sounds of Alleluia dominates hymns that the community of faith sings celebrating Eucharist or the Liturgy of the Hours.
The merciful love of the Lord fills the earth;
by the word of the Lord the heavens were made, alleluia.
Psalm 33, 5-6
We have entered the month of May. Looking through a daily devotional for the month, I am reminded of St. Joseph the Worker (May 1st), Jesus the Good Shepherd (4th Sunday of Easter – May 12th), Julian of Norwich (Mystic who lived in England from 1342 – 1416), St. Joan of Arc (1412 – 1431), the Ascension of the Lord (May 30th), the Visitation of Mary (May 31st) just to name a few that caught my attention.
The month of May is dedicated to our heavenly Mother Mary. May she who followed her son Jesus so faithfully intercede for us so that we too may come closer to HIM as we journey through life!
It sure is a wonderful custom to observe Mother’s Day each year on the second Sunday of May. The love of a mother influences a child and spouse; the care of a mother knows no limits. Much can be said but I invite you, the reader, to spend time in reflecting on the role of motherhood and what you learned from the example of your mother.
On Mother’s Day, May 12th, Holy Mass at Christ the King Priory will especially be offered for all mothers, living and deceased. Let us be united in prayer and ask our Blessed Mother and Jesus, the Good Shepherd, to reward all mothers for their dedication to family life.
Easter Blessings!
Bro. Tobias, OSB
and all the monks
Online donations in honor or memory of mothers towards our work, especially for the care of the elderly entrusted to our Sisters in Seoul, Korea (Lenten Appeal) or towards the clean water project in Peramiho are greatly appreciated.