Message from the Mission Office — Christ the King Priory

Message from the Mission Office


Memories of the celebration of Pentecost in the Archdiocese of Omaha still linger on as I reflect on the message that I heard over and over while attending the ArchOmaha Unite celebration on Saturday, June 8th.

One Church – Encountering Jesus – Equipping Disciples – Living Mercy

This is the vision the Archdiocese of Omaha has embraced and will focus on in years to come. This vision certainly applies to all the faithful no matter where we live.

As Missionary Benedictines we are “bridge builders” – reaching out to those in need wherever we serve. The various appeals coming from the mission office reflect this. Whatever we do, we do not for our own gain but to the “Glory of God” as St. Benedict admonishes his followers.

We are in the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. May we all experience HIS love and mercy on a daily basis! The Solemnity of the Sacred Heart is a major feast for our Congregation. I invite you to let us know your intentions to be included in prayer on this special day, June 28th. At Christ the King Priory – Benedictine Mission House we will celebrate Holy Mass that day at 11:00 AM. Should you be in the area, come and join us.

We truly appreciate your friendship. You also assist us in our ministries with fervent prayer and, whenever possible, with financial support. Thank you and may God bless and reward you!

Bro. Tobias, O.S.B.

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The current appeal supports farming projects of our confreres in Tanzania, Zambia and Egypt.

Below: The latest pictures supplied by Sr. Michele in Seoul, Korea, where funds from the Lenten appeal have helped with the renovation of the monastery wing into assisted living for the sisters and the addition to the nursing home, a sponsored ministry of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters.
