Project Update! Mvimwa, Tanzania — Christ the King Priory

Project Update! Mvimwa, Tanzania


Abbot Pambo and the monks of Holy Spirit Abbey in Mvimwa, Tanzania, gratefully acknowledge the help received through the generosity of the friends of the Benedictine Mission House and from our own resources to assist with the solar power project. The panels were installed in late 2019 and a protective wall was constructed to keep intruders and animals away.

New Oil Press

New Oil Press

In order to move forward with the masterplan of the community to achieve sustainable living – sources of income to provide for the needs of the community – an oil press could be purchased. Sunflower seeds will be pressed into oil which will be available for sale.

The community is active with social outreach projects, especially Aids prevention education , with farming projects and with teaching. The also sponsor schools in Mvimwa and Sumbawanga.

 The monks of the Mission House in Schuyler are grateful  for all your help with the various projects we present to the attention of our friends .

Br. Tobias, OSB
