A Message from the Mission Office — Christ the King Priory

A Message from the Mission Office

All around the globe, the transition from 2019 to 2020 was celebrated with parties and fireworks as the news media, especially TV stations, reported.


It was a quieter event at Christ the King Priory. We have the custom of thanking God for the year during a special Year End Devotion. We reflect on the graces we as a community and as individuals have received. We certainly remembered also the challenges we encountered during the last year. Following the service we enjoyed each other’s company and the midnight hour signaling the beginning of 2020 passed without fanfare.

The Year 2020 has already presented new challenges: natural disasters, political unrest and dispute among elected officials, and even controversy that spread into the hierarchy of the Church. In addition there will be interesting developments coming our way as our nation prepares for the November General Election. Needless to say that one has to be very careful in sorting out true stories from fake news.
As we journey through this year let us turn in prayer to our Creator God and ask especially for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Let me share with you a prayer that I wrote many years ago and may we all draw strength from it as the year unfolds.


Br. Tobias, OSB

Voice of the Creator!
Enter the hearts of God’s people.
Never abandon the faithful
Imploring your guidance.

Comforter in times of affliction;
Reconciler in times of brokenness;
Enlightenment in times of uncertainty;
Aid in times of inner struggle;
Truth in times of doubt;
Ointment in times of sickness;
Radiance of God’s unending love, light and grace.

Source of our being, we pray:
Pour forth your sevenfold gifts
Inspiring us for life’s journey;
Responding to Christ’s message
Inviting us to be witnesses.
Timeless and ever present Spirit,
Unite us in harmony, peace, and love
Singing the Creator’s praise.

by Br. Tobias
