Be Not Afraid . . . A Message from the Mission Office
The monks of Christ the King Priory – Benedictine Mission House extend prayerful good wishes and greetings.
The events of recent weeks have a drastic impact on life’s journey and on the economy of our country and the world. Let me assure you that in our daily prayer we lift up all our friends and benefactors, our families, coworker, oblates and confreres around the world. May our merciful and loving God grant us strength to cope with the challenges and at the same time not to give up hope! On the feast of St. Joseph, we heard in the Gospel the message of the angel: “Be not afraid…” We can find in Sacred Scripture consolation and words of encouragement. It is my prayer that you and your loved ones are well.
We are using Facebook posts (Benedictine Mission House) to keep our friends informed of happenings at the monastery and in the missions. For the time being, all public liturgical prayer and the celebration of Holy Mass are suspended. The retreat house, St. Benedict Center, remains closed until further notice. The community does continue its daily round of common prayer and remembers all at the Eucharistic table.
On March 16, the Mission Procurators of the Congregation held a Skype conference. Our work must continue and the needs are many, especially hospital support and clean water. Eventually I will communicate to you about projects and other developments.
We do understand that the corona virus also affects the financial resources of our benefactors. Always remember: your personal needs and those of the family have priority. We do appreciate your prayerful support and your financial help whenever possible.
In the meantime, I invite you to communicate with me via email with any concerns that you have. Please address your emails to
Be safe and know that we journey with you! God’s choicest blessings!
On behalf of all the monks of Christ the King Priory and united in prayer, let me remain:
Br. Tobias, O.S.B.
Mission Procurator