Homily - Sunday, February 16, 2025

Homily 6th Sunday O.T.  C  SBC   2025   
Lk 6:17-26      
Jer 17:5-8       
1 Cor 15:12.16-20 

focus: The beatitudes prepare us to be followers of Christ.
function: We are called upon to make a choice, either for God or against.

2025 is a jubilee year of pilgrimage. During the last jubilee year in 2000, I went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. One of many lasting memories I have of this visit is our trip from Galilee down to Judea in the valley of the river Jordan. The land close to the river is fertile and often used for farming and gardening. Irrigation systems draw the water from the river and direct it to the fields,

where a great variety of crops are grown. But where the fields end and with them the irrigation, immediately the dry land begins, sometimes the desert.  Hardly any plants grow there. Only where there is water, there is life.

In today’s first reading, the prophet Jeremiah uses an image that is taken from the everyday life of his listeners in the Jordan valley:  A healthy tree with many green leaves stands by the river.  It can grow even in the heat of summer; its roots always reach the water.  On the other hand, out in the dry land there is a barren bush:  It is dried out and lifeless, because it has no access to water.

Jeremiah points out how we can be    either this way or that way.  Growing, well nourished, confident even in times of drought or stress—that’s what we are when we trust in God and expect our happiness from God.  Or: dried out, lifeless, with no leaves that could transform the sunlight with the water into growth – that’s what we are when we make our happiness dependent on human beings, their recognition, their praise, and their approval.

Two impressive images. Is Jeremiah is exaggerating?  It is true, people who live a worldly life sometimes do have tremendous energy in pursuing their goals.  But this is deceiving.  Most people who live without faith will eventually reach a point when they realize that something essential is missing in their lives.  The famous depth psychologist Carl Gustav Jung once remarked that among all the thousands of patients he met in the course of his career there wasn’t even one above the age of thirty-five whose problem wasn’t at the root a spiritual one.

So—why not sink in our roots by the water right away,by  the One who said, whoever is thirsty, come to me and drink!  “Whoever believes in me ...Rivers of living water will flow from within him” (Joh 7:38)?

In today’s gospel, the Sermon on the Plain, Jesus shows what coming to Him, living with Him means.  First, it’s remarkable that Jesus, at least according to Luke’s account of this speech, went down to the people. He descended to them. He was at eye level with them.  Jesus, the eternal Son of God, didn’t mind being where the people are, especially the poor, the sick and the downtrodden. And exactly these folks he calls blest: the poor, the hungry, those who are weeping, the rejected.

Why?  Because they don’t rely, they can’t rely, on the consolations, the entertainment and the honor of this world!  So, it isn’t surprising at all that those who responded enthusiastically to his message were largely the poor people of his time: peasants, craftsmen, fishermen, shepherds and even outcasts of society like tax collectors and prostitutes. These folks were ready to receive living water from him.  Jesus is congratulating them: You are close to God.  God’s love extends to you in a special way. You are already part of God’s kingdom 

My sisters and brothers in Christ, in his beatitudes, Jesus tells us that God’s unconditional love extends especially to the poor and marginalized.  He invites us to recommit ourselves to this God who is also our source of life.

The beatitudes are an invitation for us to make a choice, either for God or against:  Do we truly place our hope in the God of Jesus Christ?  Do we ask God in our daily prayer to guide us, and to show us what is really important in our life?  Or do we still expect our happiness too much from the things that our modern world has to offer   and from what other people think about us?

The beatitudes also raise the question of how we show our concern and solidarity to those people who are less well off. This includes for instance, as Pope Francis has reminded us this week, refugees and migrants who, “beset by persecution or necessity, are forced to leave their homeland, beloved family and dear friends for foreign lands.” (Letter->US Bishops)

The beatitudes are a radical and counter-cultural way of thinking and living.  But they show us that wellspring, which, when we drink of it, quenches our deepest thirst and provides for us everything we need.             AMEN.

~Fr. Thomas Leitner, OSB

Homily - Sunday, February 2, 2025

Fr. Paul Kasun, OSB 
St. Benedict Center, Schuyler, Nebraska
Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, Year C
Malachi 3:1-4; Hebrews 2:14-18; Luke 2:22-40

          Once again, the monks and I welcome you to St. Benedict Center and hope that may you have a blessed and Happy Feast Day of the Presentation.  As I was preparing my sermon, I realized that our readings are rich in themes and ideas, of which any one of them could provide us with inspiration and joy in our Faith.  In this sermon, I have decided to talk about Mary, Joseph and Simeon as Faith actors, as people of deep Faith.  What did their Faith lead them to do?  What does our Faith lead us to do?  Let me begin with a personal story that transformed my concept of God, which also changed how I related to God.  Many years ago, probably before I got to High School, my mom and I got into a conversation about God.  She and my dad had a deep Faith, and they grasped it well.  I do not remember how our conversation got started, but as she was ironing clothes in the kitchen, she said to me, as I stood next to her, that God knows everything that we think and do.  “God knows all of your thoughts.”  This phrase was a shocking revelation for me.  I probably looked surprised, and I left the kitchen.  This “new” concept changed what I knew about God, and it changed my relationship with God as well.  I needed time to reflect and to integrate this new “reality” about what it meant for my life. Indeed, the Holy Spirit was guiding me on a “Faith Journey” and my relationship with God and the Church deepened.

          One of the cornerstones of Faith, is that God, through our priests, forgives our sins.  The same went for the Jewish people in the times of the Holy Family.  Mary, a faithful Jewish woman, kept all the ritual practices of being Jewish, and went with Joseph to present their newborn baby in the Temple.  St. Luke wrote, “When the days were completed for their purification according to the law of Moses, Mary and Joseph took Jesus up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord…”  The ritual of the Presentation had themes of sin and redemption: “(1) the purification of Mary and (2) the redemption of baby Jesus.”[1] However, our Faith is clear: Mary never sinned, and Jesus is our redeemer.  What this means for us, is that “Mary’s uncleanness was not moral buy only ceremonial (JBC 44:42).” And, Jesus’ Presentation was not about being redeemed, because he was already “possessed by his Heavenly Father even before this ceremony; this act formalized or externalized what was and would remain always true (JBC44:42).”  But something else is going on here: it is a journey of Faith.  Mary, Joseph and Simeon each had their own “Faith Journeys”, and now, here at the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, their journeys intersected.  For Mary and Joseph, the Jewish religion was a divine institution, and so this meant that they would go to the Temple to present Jesus to the Rabbi.  This, and other rituals were integral to their expression of Faith, for it is how God communicated with them and the Jewish community.

          Simeon’s journey of Faith pretty much ended when Mary and Joseph gave him the baby Jesus to hold in his arms and present him to God.  For Simeon, this experience comforted him for all the suffering that he endured as he watched the Jewish people pull away from their Faith.  St. Luke wrote that Simeon “was righteous and devout, awaiting the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him.”  Luke did not write directly about the sufferings of Simeon, but his phrasing and choice of words gives us all what we need to understand the circumstances under which Simeon (and even Anna), practiced their Faith.  St. Luke quotes Simeon: “‘Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared in the sight of all the peoples: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel’.”  After this prayer of Presentation, he gave Jesus back to Mary, and he told her that her Faith journey would entail many sufferings, but they will be sufferings that bring salvation for humanity.  As one commentator wrote, “Simeon most probably a member or close associate of the Sadducee group, must have waited amidst great suffering, as he witnessed the priestly betrayal of many sacred obligations (JBC:44:42).”  The actual Presentation of Jesus in the Temple was, indeed, one experience among many, in the Faith journeys of Mary, Joseph, Simeon, and Anna.  Their love for God and the Jewish religion intersect, coming together here at the Temple.

          The Faith journeys of these great characters led to the writing of the letter to the Hebrews.  Indeed, well after Jesus’ ascension into heaven, Christian communities grappled with the problem of integrating their Faith into their daily lives.  The writer of Hebrews said: Jesus “had to become like his brothers and sisters in every way, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest before God to expiate the sins of the people.  Because he himself was tested through what he suffered, he is able to help those who are being tested.”  The Churches after the death of the Apostles struggled to integrate and pass on their Faith to their children.  Christianity was a new way of thinking and acting.  However, Christians lived in a world of contradictions – where they hoped to change the morality within their own communities.  Jesus represented a new way of living – a new human civilization.  Jesus knew that their Faith journeys would be very, very difficult. As one commentator wrote, Jesus “experienced [temptations] throughout his life.”  “Gospel tradition indicates that fidelity to his messianic mission was a principal object of temptation… The temptation of those… addressed [in the letter to the Hebrews] was principally to apostasy – fundamentally the same urge to infidelity that Jesus experienced (JBC, 61:18).”

          Indeed, the Faith journeys of the men and women in our Bible are like our own Faith journeys.  Last Wednesday, Pope Francis spoke about the faith journey of St. Joseph, and I would like to end my homily with a quote by Pope Francis on the Faith journey of Joseph:

In a dream, Joseph accepts God’s dream for his life.  Joseph “believes, hopes and loves. He does not express himself with “idle words”, but with concrete deeds. He belongs to the lineage of those who, according to the apostle James, “put the Word into practice” (cf. James 1:22), translating it into deeds, flesh, life.  Joseph trusts in God and obeys:” He takes “on a fatherhood capable of guarding, protecting and passing on a material and spiritual inheritance. The womb of his bride is pregnant with God's promise, a promise that bears a name in which the certainty of salvation is given to all (cf. Acts 4:12)…[


Reading 1 MAL 3:1-4

Thus says the Lord GOD:
Lo, I am sending my messenger
to prepare the way before me;
And suddenly there will come to the temple
the LORD whom you seek,
And the messenger of the covenant whom you desire.
Yes, he is coming, says the LORD of hosts.
But who will endure the day of his coming?
And who can stand when he appears?
For he is like the refiner’s fire,
or like the fuller’s lye.
He will sit refining and purifying silver,
and he will purify the sons of Levi,
Refining them like gold or like silver
that they may offer due sacrifice to the LORD.
Then the sacrifice of Judah and Jerusalem
will please the LORD,
as in the days of old, as in years gone by.

Reading 2 HEB 2:14-18

Since the children share in blood and flesh,
Jesus likewise shared in them,
that through death he might destroy the one
who has the power of death, that is, the Devil,
and free those who through fear of death
had been subject to slavery all their life.
Surely he did not help angels
but rather the descendants of Abraham;
therefore, he had to become like his brothers and sisters
in every way,
that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest before God
to expiate the sins of the people.
Because he himself was tested through what he suffered,
he is able to help those who are being tested.

Gospel LK 2:22-40 OR 2:22-32

When the days were completed for their purification
according to the law of Moses,
Mary and Joseph took Jesus up to Jerusalem
to present him to the Lord,
just as it is written in the law of the Lord,
Every male that opens the womb shall be consecrated to the Lord,
and to offer the sacrifice of
a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons,
in accordance with the dictate in the law of the Lord.

Now there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon.
This man was righteous and devout,
awaiting the consolation of Israel,
and the Holy Spirit was upon him.
It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit
that he should not see death
before he had seen the Christ of the Lord.
He came in the Spirit into the temple;
and when the parents brought in the child Jesus
to perform the custom of the law in regard to him,
he took him into his arms and blessed God, saying:

“Now, Master, you may let your servant go
in peace, according to your word,
for my eyes have seen your salvation,
which you prepared in the sight of all the peoples:
a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
and glory for your people Israel.”

The child’s father and mother were amazed at what was said about him;
and Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother,
“Behold, this child is destined
for the fall and rise of many in Israel,
and to be a sign that will be contradicted
--and you yourself a sword will pierce--
so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.”
There was also a prophetess, Anna,
the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher.
She was advanced in years,
having lived seven years with her husband after her marriage,
and then as a widow until she was eighty-four.
She never left the temple,
but worshiped night and day with fasting and prayer.
And coming forward at that very time,
she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child
to all who were awaiting the redemption of Jerusalem.

When they had fulfilled all the prescriptions
of the law of the Lord,
they returned to Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth.
The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom;
and the favor of God was upon him.

[1] https://stpaulcenter.com/the-deeper-meaning-of-the-presentation-in-the-temple/

[2] POPE FRANCIS; GENERAL AUDIENCE; Audience Hall; Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Homily - Sunday, December 15, 2024

Lk 3:10-18  
Zeph 3:14-18a   
Phil 4:4-7

focus: The Lord is near.  We are called upon to make our ways his ways.

In a group retreat one participant, I call her Jane, shared about a very difficult time in her life. Jane had been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer.  She had surgery and chemotherapy. When the chemo just had started,  Jane was told by her landlord that she could not stay in her apartment.  She had to look for a new place to live and had to move.  The health care professionals with whom she shared this information looked at her with wide eyes and terror in their faces.  To move in this situation while on chemo would be sure death sentence!

Then Jane shared about good people who suddenly showed up in her life.  Some brought her food, others helped with packing up kitchen items and other belongings, again others helped with the move itself.  Somebody started a Go-Fund-Me campaign and raised several thousand dollars to help pay for storage, for professional movers and for other expenses.

All these people were angels for me, Jane said. I didn’t know that they cared about me so much! I wouldn’t be here without them. My cancer is in remission!  Now, Jane says, I want to reciprocate. I try to be kind to the folks I meet every day:  the clerk in the grocery store, the stressed looking employee at the fast-food place…I try to do good wherever I can.

In today’s gospel we meet John the Baptist. He calls upon the people to reform their lives. The things he asks them to do are quite specific:  All are meant to share their possessions with others. Whatever they don’t need for their own livelihood, they should give away.  This is in our Western societies today at least as big a challenge as it was at John’s time!  Share your food, share your clothing, your means, your time, with those who do not have enough to live on!

Tax collectors and soldiers also come to John. They were despised or hated by many of their contemporaries, because they cooperated with the Roman occupying power.  John welcomes them. “What shall we do,” they ask. John’s answer:   Do your job correctly and justly!  Do not take advantage of other people!

But John’s message is not only a challenge to his listeners, it also gives them hope.  He points to the “one mightier than I,” the Christ, the Messiah, who is going to be coming soon.

The topic of 3rd Sunday of Advent is the nearness of the Lord, which is a reason for joy. For the Old Testament prophet Zephaniah, ‘Lord,’ is ‘the God of Israel.’ His nearness means hope to return from exile,  from a foreign land, in the near future. The people will have a home again!

In St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians, is the ‘Lord’ who is near is Jesus.  He is near as the one who once came and was born in Bethlehem.  He is near as the one who will come in glory at the end of time, at the end of our life.  And he is near to us every day in our own hearts, in the people with whom we live, and in those who share our life with us on this planet.

My sisters and brothers, the Lord is near.  We are called upon to make our ways his ways, to do what we do with his inspiration, with his strength and in his name.  St. Paul shows us how to do that.

First, prayer is essential.  Instead of allowing worries to fill you, hold out your whole life, your world, in prayer to God, Paul says: “Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.”

Then “the peace of God, that surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds.” This peace will not allow negative thoughts, which don’t come from the Holy Spirit, to control us inwardly.

This in turn will make it possible to be people of kindness:  Our kindness, originating in a serene, peaceful and joyful heart, will be known to all.  If we live in this fashion, we may find ourselves suddenly to be angels for others. AMEN.

   ~Fr. Thomas Leitner, OSB

Homily - Sunday, November 24, 2024

Dear brothers and sisters,

On the Feast of Christ the King, let us reflect on who we are as human beings, what we really are.

Throughout our lives we have different identities.  Halloween is not so long ago. Children dress up and are something else on this day. A vampire, Frankenstein, Harry Potter or a skeleton. When children are little, they want to be a policeman, a doctor, a fireman or anything else they can think of. As we grow older, we learn different things that we can rely on throughout our lives and that define our personalities:

We learn to play a musical instrument - we are musicians. We learn a trade - we are craftsmen, bankers, farmers, social workers. We join the military - the uniform makes us part of that group and we build our identity around it. We become a priest or join a religious order - we take on that identity.

And at the same time, we can have different roles in our lives at the same time. You are a father, a mother in the morning, then behind the counter at work, in the evening you are a cook for your family, and in the evening you are a host for a party.

And if you are the boss of a big company and you are used to giving different orders all day long, come home in the evening and try to treat your wife the same way!!! That’s not possible. That's when the different identities come into conflict. Because in one role you have to be the boss, in the other role you are a partner.

All the different things we do every day or throughout our lives make up our personality, our identity. But behind it all, there is usually one person, one human being, who unites all of this. And at baptism, God puts a crown on that person's head: we are anointed as a king or queen. We have a royal dignity in everything we do.

And at the same time we are "children of God", "co-heirs with Christ" and therefore have a share in his kingdom (2nd reading). It is a dignity we wear under all the hats we wear during the day. And at the end of the liturgical year, we are already looking forward to Christmas, which is just around the corner. (In the stores, Christmas has been there since Halloween!) Then we see that our "King" Christ is born very humbly, in a stable, with animals. So, we see God also has different roles here: he is a child, he is poor, he is homeless, is outcast.

God can unite all these roles in Himself. He is the king! On one hand he is in solidarity with the poor and needy and on the other hand he takes care about all in need. And if we look in the history of philosophy the ideal king was the “good king”. And a good king can unite all these qualities and roles in himself so that he knows the people and all their ways of life and can govern accordingly. He has compassion. And Jesus himself shows us the qualities of this “good king” in the gospel of Matthew: The King in Mt 25:34ff.

Are we aware of this when we go about our daily lives? Or when we are dissatisfied with our lives? That behind everything is the dignity of God that we received at our baptism?

During our youth retreats, we did an exercise with the youth in which they had to balance a book on their heads. All the young people stood up. Even those who often hunched over walked upright. You could see later at the other events that they were still trying to walk upright. This is the attitude of kings! Confident, upright, aware that I am a king.

That is what we have received in baptism: a self-awareness that we are children of God and that “nothing can separate us from the love of Christ”.


~ Prior, Fr. Anastasius Reiser, OSB

Homily - Sunday, November 17, 2024

Homily 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 
Mk 13:24-32  Dan 12:1-3  Heb 10:11-14.18

focus: It is impossible to know exactly beforehand when the end of the world and the end of our own lives will come.

function: We are invited to be watchful and ready.

It will be 30 years in 2025 that my father died of a brain tumor.  When he was diagnosed, the oncologist told him that he had about nine more months to live, and this prediction came true. These months were a challenging but valuable time for him.

Providentially, I was home at the time of the diagnosis – from Africa where I served as a missionary. His physical condition was not too bad yet.  We prayed together every day, went on outings, and told one another some important things. Our relationship, which had not been too great at times before, really came in order. Then I went back to my assignment in Tanzania. 

As the months passed by, my dad went through some real struggle, understandably, he was only 62 years old. Finally, though he came to accept his situation, with the help of his own prayer and the prayer of many people for him.  In the end he was grateful for every little gesture of thoughtfulness and help from folks around him. When his passing was near, I was able to go and see him again.  He recognized me. The last word he said was my name, “Thomas!”  A few hours later he breathed his last. In spite of his terrible suffering, this time was also a grace for my dad.  He could consciously prepare for the end of his life.

The topic of today’s gospel is the end of all things and the Second Coming of Christ. The Christians of the first century believed that the Lord’s return was impending. Jesus’ own words during his lifetime has suggested this. Great cosmic events involving the sun, the moon and the stars would take place and herald the gathering of those who had remained faithful to him.

However, Jesus also said, “of that day or hour no one knows,

 …only the Father in heaven.” The point of time, when it will happen, is unknown to us.

Perhaps we will not witness the end and the consummation of all things during our lifetime. We do know for sure, however, that at one moment, maybe years or only days from now, our own earthly life will end.  Near the conclusion of the liturgical year, we are being reminded today that time has a direction, a goal and an end: the time of humanity and the precious time of our own lives. Therefore, Jesus’ words that follow immediately after today’s gospel text in Mark are important: “Be watchful, be alert!

Dear sisters and brothers, it is impossible to know exactly beforehand when the end of the world and the end of our own lives will come.  For this reason, Jesus calls upon us to be watchful and ready.

What if we had only one day left to live? I can try to imagine this.  How would I spend this day? Which people would I try to meet or call?  Would I write a letter or message to my relatives and friends expressing what I want them to know? What else would I do?  These are good questions because they can help us to live more consciously instead of being caught up with the perhaps urgent but not most important things in life.

Today’s first reading from the Book of Daniel gives us the first testimony in the Old Testament to a belief in life after death, which was born during a time of war, persecution and great suffering:  “Those who led many to justice shall be like the stars forever.”  The early church could build upon this faith 

Our second reading points out to us that Jesus by his self-offering on the cross and his resurrection from the dead, which become present in every Eucharist, has conquered the power of human sin and death. Every sin and every death!  Our journey to holiness and perfection is made possible by his presence, his example, and his work.

We may trust that Christ, if we have oriented our lives here on earth toward Him, will one day gather us and lead us to his heavenly dwelling place where there is no pain, sorrow and darkness anymore, but only light and joy.  AMEN.

    ~Fr. Thomas Leitner, OSB

Homily - Sunday October 6, 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

We all know those moments when we feel most comfortable when we are alone. In silence and retreat, a deep peace seems to reveal itself, far from the tensions and challenges of being with others. As long as we do things alone, we do not come into conflict with other people. It is a kind of protected space where no one contradicts us, challenges us, or requires us to correct ourselves. But the peace we feel in solitude is only half the story.

As soon as we begin to interact with other people, to engage with them and enter into relationships, it seems as if that peace is disturbed. We encounter opinions that are not our own. We are confronted with expectations and needs that disrupt our plans. Yet it is precisely here that a deep, divine opportunity lies: contact with other people gives us the opportunity to see things differently. We learn new things. We are corrected. And yes, mistakes that we might have made on our own are avoided. 

Human beings are made for relationship. We need community. We need social contact, as challenging as that may sometimes be. Today's readings speak of exactly that – of relationship. First of all, of the relationship between God and humankind, which has been at the center of creation from the very beginning. Then of the relationship between man and woman, as described in the Book of Genesis. And finally, of the relationship between people, as suggested in the Letter to the Hebrews.


Just to get a picture about the situation in our society:

Nearly 40 % of the persons in the US are single.

There were 37.9 million one-person households, 29% of all U.S. households in 2022.

In 1960 single-person households represented only 13% of all households.

Marriage is a particularly strong symbol of these relationships. It is a sacrament in which two people say “yes” to each other – a yes that does not just apply to a moment, but to a lifelong relationship. And it is a sacrament because the work of God becomes visible in this relationship. From the beginning, God did not want man to live alone, but in community. Marriage and community are, so to speak, sacraments of relationship.

We also find this principle in religious life. In religious profession, the monk promises to remain faithfully united to his abbot and to his community, and the community promises the same to him. A bond of belonging together is created, which grows not only through harmony, but also through challenges and sometimes through suffering.

And this is precisely the crucial point that is often overlooked: we grow together by also suffering with and because of each other. The letter to the Hebrews says, “He became perfect through what he suffered.” This is the example of Christ, who passed through his suffering to new life. Christ showed us that true growth often goes through the cross of suffering, through giving up selfishness and through getting involved with others.

A good relationship – whether in marriage, in the family, in the community or with friends – is not simply given to us. It is a task. It requires us to get involved, to give in, to forgive. Without this willingness to give and forgive, we cannot develop a mature relationship. As long as we remain on our own, without having to adapt to others, we may have peace, but it is a stagnant peace. We stand still, we do not grow, we do not mature. and if we read on in the Book of Genesis, we come to the passage where the two of them run away. When things get difficult, they run away. It seems to be something people do from the very beginning. But it is not the solution.

Jesus once said: “Because your hearts are so hard, he gave you this commandment.” Those who do not open themselves to others remain hard at heart. This hardness prevents us from growing and maturing in life. Only by allowing ourselves to change can we truly live. God has designed life for growth. And growth always happens through giving, through sharing, through togetherness.

Of course, it is painful to give up something of ourselves – especially when we are firmly convinced that we are in the right. But it is precisely in this pain of letting go that the key lies. Because in the end, the tensions and conflicts that we may have experienced can give rise to a shared path that both parties in the relationship can follow. In monastic life, it is the path of community that unites us all.

Dear Sisters and Brothers, our life is not meant to be lived in solitude. It is designed for us to enter into relationship with one another, to learn to engage with others and to grow in this community. The peace we feel in solitude is deceptive if it prevents us from experiencing the fullness of life that is given to us in community. May we have the courage to engage with one another, to grow with one another, and to walk the path of life together – as God intended for us.


  ~Prior, Fr. Anastasius Reiser

September, 2024

September 11, 2001, changed our world!  Terrorist attacks cannot be forgotten but should be reminders that all life matters.  Every day, the human family must take big steps to overcome hatred and division. Let this be our prayer!  The Twin Towers of New York City’s World Trade Center are gone! Today, a reflection pool on the original site serves as a memorial. The names of innocent people are engraved on marble slabs as a reminder of that dark day in our history. Years ago, we received a little crucifix that a volunteer used, ministering to the dying found in the rubble of the towers. It has a special place in the office of Br. Tobias.

September 11 is also a special day for the monks of Muensterschwarzach Abbey, the motherhouse of Christ the King Priory. It was on that day in 1938 that the abbey church was consecrated. Amazingly, during the time of the Hitler regime, the monks had the courage to build their church on the spot of three previous churches when Missionary Benedictines returned in 1902 to the place that from 788 on was home to Benedictine communities until monastic life was suppressed by the government in 1803.  According to the historians, from the dedication of the first church at Schwarzach, the Sunday after the Feast of the Birth of Mary, September 8, is observed as the anniversary of the dedication of the church which is kept as a liturgical and civic festival.  

On September 15, 1964, Fr. Volker Futter, OSB, made his monastic profession at Muensterschwarzach Abbey. He arrived in Schuyler in 1973 where he worked in pastoral ministry at home and many parishes in the area, especially also in Wyoming and Michigan. In 2000, Fr. Volker took on the assignment as mission procurator.  The Oblates of the Priory, and many friends, appreciate his compassion for people.

September 17 is the birthday of Prior Anastasius Reiser, OSB, who made his monastic profession in 1991.  April 24, 1999, is the day of his ordination to the priesthood. Working in youth pastoral at the abbey prepared him for his future work in Peramhio, Tanzania, and then as Procurator of the Congregation, stationed at St. Ottilien, Germany. In 2023, Fr. Anastasius accepted in addition to the ministry as prior the responsibilities as mission procurator.

Each year, the community of Muensterschwarzach honors its jubilarians on the day when they commemorate the anniversary of dedication of the church. Fr. Volker will give thanks to God for 60 years of monastic life and Fr. Anastasius for 25 years of priesthood. We wish our confreres many graces and blessings for each day to come.


One final date of importance for us monks in Schuyler! Forty-five years ago, the monastery four miles north of Schuyler opened its doors and September 16, Christ the King Chapel was solemnly consecrated by the late Archbishop Daniel Sheehan of Omaha.

To our friends near and far, THANK YOU for the faithful support and prayers so that we can continue our ministry as joyful witnesses of the Gospel and faithful followers of St. Benedict.       


Homily - Good Shepherd Sunday

Sermon: What makes a good shepherd?

Dear sisters and brothers,

In my early childhood, I experienced an impressive image that is deeply impressed in my memory. Our shepherd was walking through the town with his flock of more than 100 sheep. It was a moment of peace and silence because the traffic had to wait. But it was more than just a traffic blockage - it was a moment of peace, order and belonging.

The sheep knew the shepherd and followed him obediently. And the shepherd also knew his sheep and looked after them lovingly. He had a large shed on the outside of town and when we went there, we could see him looking after the sheep. There was a unity between them, an interaction of care and obedience. Everyone needed everyone else: without the shepherd, the sheep would be lost, and without the sheep, the shepherd would have lost his purpose. It was an image of unity.

We can also apply this image of the shepherd and his sheep to our relationship with God. In order to have such a bond with the shepherd, we need to care for each other. It means staying in contact and not distancing ourselves from one another.

In the flock, you look after the weak, the sick, those who are left behind. Because if the flock is not feeling well, it is the shepherd's duty to react. But it is important to emphasize that it is an integral model of "shepherd and flock" that should stay in place.

We find numerous examples of good shepherds in the Bible. One of the best known is certainly David, who later became king of Israel. In his youth, he tended his father's sheep, showing courage and determination as he defended his flock from wild animals. But even more important was his devotion to his sheep and his close relationship with God, which made him a good shepherd.

Jesus is also the good shepherd who laid down his life for his sheep. In the Bible, he says: "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." (John 10:11). Jesus is the role model for all shepherds, whether spiritual or secular. He shows us that a good shepherd is prepared to give everything for his flock, even his own life.

It would be wrong if the sheep suddenly became individualistic and each became independent. It would be just as wrong if the shepherds were to turn away from the flock, leave them locked up and live a life that no longer had anything to do with their profession as shepherds. It would be wrong to only present themselves in the most beautiful shepherd's clothes in order to show off to other people.

Availability is the keyword! Making yourself available for one another! In a world characterized by self-realization and individual striving, it seems to be increasingly difficult to find people who are willing to work together and commit themselves to the well-being of others.

If you look around you, you can see how difficult it has become to find craftsmen who are willing to do manual work. Everyone seems intent on going their own way, pursuing their own goals, getting a job in an office. It's as if everyone wants to be their own boss, but no one is willing to do the necessary work anymore.

Or in some large corporations, where the management has separated itself from the employees and no longer cares about the details of production because the shares and returns are more important than what is produced in the company.

Boeing is a good example here. We have heard that there have been problems with the airplanes recently. The reason is exactly this. The company was formerly run by engineers who looked at the quality of the airplanes. Today, the shares and shareholders play a more important role than the airplanes themselves. In order to maximize profits, part of the production was outsourced to external companies and there was no longer any influence on quality. The mistakes were pre-programmed.

Because the shepherd is nothing without the sheep, and the sheep are lost without the shepherd. It is about unity, about togetherness, about caring for one another. A good shepherd is characterized not only by his ability to lead the flock, but also by his love for the sheep and his empathy for their needs.

But we should not forget that we are all part of a greater picture. The "shepherd - sheep" system must be viewed as a unit. Like the shepherd who looks after his flock, we are also dependent on each other. We are called to be there for each other, to support each other and to move forward together.

In the Bible, we find numerous examples of how important it is to stand up for and support one another. Jesus himself taught us to love and serve one another. He said: "Love one another as I have loved you" (John 15:12). These words remind us that true greatness lies not in self-fulfillment, but in serving others and working for their good.

It is time for us to rethink our attitudes and remember what really matters: community, solidarity and the willingness to be there for one another. Let's stop being selfish and use our gifts and skills for the good of all. Because only together can we bring about true change and shape a better future.

But it is not only spiritual shepherds such as priests who are called to be good shepherds. Each of us can become a good shepherd in our own environment, be it as parents, teachers, friends or simply as fellow human beings. It is about loving one another, being there for one another and supporting one another, especially in difficult times.

In our world that is often characterized by selfishness, violence and indifference, we need good shepherds more than ever who care for their flock and lead them on the right path. Let us therefore work together to be good shepherds, women and men, following the example of Jesus, the good shepherd.


~ Prior, Fr. Anastasius Reiser, OSB

Lenten Prior's Message - Part 7

Palm Sunday - Jesus is not an illusion

Today we carry palm branches in our hands to greet Jesus. At the beginning of mass, we go into the church in procession and sing hymns of praise.

Altarboys of an Outstation of Peramiho Parish

In Africa, the faithful also hold their palm branches in their hands during Mass, especially when the Sanctus is sung: "Hosanna, who comes in the name of the Lord."

When there are more than 1000 people in the church, you can hear the wind rustling as everyone moves their branches. This is an image for the Holy Spirit, who breathes wherever people pray.

And today we are playing out what people did back then when they greeted Jesus.

We Christians today celebrate Palm Sunday as a feast with the knowledge that Jesus died and rose from the dead. We celebrate this every Sunday when we celebrate the Eucharist. Especially when we sing at the Sanctus: "Hosanna, he who comes in the name of the Lord".

But back then, Jesus' entry into Jerusalem was an illusion! People had the wrong idea about Jesus. The palms they carried were meant for a "king" who would free them from the oppression of the Romans. But that was not what Jesus wanted.

Children in a rural Outstation of Peramiho Parish

The people were all the more disappointed when Jesus did not establish the secular reign they had expected, but instead died on the cross.

The new life that Jesus gave us was only revealed to Jesus' disciples after the resurrection.

The palm branches today are already a sign of the resurrection, that Jesus is now alive among us. And that we believe that he will come at the end of time.

The palm branches are not there to pay homage to an image of Jesus, a Jesus as I would like him to be, which is an illusion. With the palm branches we greet the real Jesus, the Christ, who gave us new life through his death and resurrection.

~Prior, Fr. Anastasius Reiser, OSB

Lenten Prior's Message - Part 6

How to handle my anger? A Positive Journey to Inner Peace

In the tumult of daily life, anger often simmers beneath the surface, waiting to erupt at the slightest provocation. Whether it's frustration with ourselves, our circumstances, or others, anger can manifest in many ways, clouding our judgment and disrupting our relationships. In the midst of the chaos, however, lies an opportunity for transformation - a journey toward inner peace and reconciliation.

Sunset in Africa

Understanding the Spectrum of Anger

Anger, like any emotion, is multifaceted. It can arise from internal sources such as dissatisfaction with oneself, concerns about health or age, or external triggers involving interactions with others. Sometimes it's directed at specific individuals who have done us harm, or even at entire groups such as foreigners, a manifestation of societal tensions and prejudices.

What's often overlooked, however, is the tendency to displace our anger onto innocent bystanders - our loved ones, coworkers, or even strangers. In moments of distress, we may lash out at those closest to us, unfairly projecting our frustrations onto them. This displacement serves as a temporary release valve, but it fails to address the root cause of our anger.

Using Lent as a Time of Reflection

Amidst the chaos of anger, Lent offers a beacon of hope - a time of introspection and preparation for Easter. Rooted in the Christian faith, Lent encourages believers to reflect on their actions, seek forgiveness, and renew their commitment to a life of compassion and understanding.

The essence of Lent is its positive outlook on transformation. It reminds us that the cross is not the final destination, but a symbol of transition - from suffering to redemption, from despair to hope. As Jesus emerged from the tomb on Easter Sunday, so too can we emerge from the depths of anger into a renewed sense of self and purpose.

Transforming Anger into Positive Energy

Instead of allowing anger to consume us, we can harness its energy for positive change. Just as fire can be both destructive and transformative, anger can be channeled toward reconciliation and healing.

One approach is through introspection and self-awareness. By understanding the root causes of our anger - whether it's dissatisfaction with ourselves or external triggers - we can begin to address them constructively. This may involve seeking therapy, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in activities that promote self-care and emotional well-being.

We can also adopt an attitude of empathy and understanding toward others. By recognizing that everyone experiences anger and frustration, we can approach conflict with compassion rather than resentment. By fostering open communication and a willingness to listen, we can build stronger relationships and bridge the gap between us.

In the tapestry of life, anger is but one thread-a natural emotion that arises in response to adversity. But it need not define us. Through the lens of Lent, we can see anger as an opportunity for growth and transformation. By embracing introspection, empathy, and forgiveness, we can navigate the complexities of anger with grace and humility. Ultimately, by transforming our anger into positive energy, we can pave the way for reconciliation, healing, and inner peace. As we journey toward Easter, let us heed the call to transcend anger and embrace the promise of new life.

~ Prior, Fr. Anastasius Reiser, OSB

Lenten Prior's Message - Part 5

Speaking up!

On the other hand, there is also the aspect of speaking up and saying what we don't trust to the people we live with. It's about openness, honesty and trust - the cornerstones of any good relationship.

In our lives, we constantly encounter situations in which we think or feel things but are hesitant to say them. Be it out of fear of the other person's reaction, out of shame or out of a desire to avoid conflict. In the long run, however, silence can become a burden that strains our relationships and wears us down inside.

It is important to understand that honesty and openness not only serve to express our own feelings and needs, but also to build a deeper connection with those around us. When we dare to share our true thoughts, we show vulnerability and give others the opportunity to really get to know us.

Of course, it's not always easy to open up. It takes courage and self-confidence to face your own fears and insecurities. But it is worth it. Because only through openness can we clarify misunderstandings, resolve conflicts and create genuine closeness.

I therefore encourage you to have the courage to open up and say what's on your mind. Be it an uncomfortable confession, a request for forgiveness or simply an honest compliment. Trust that your fellow confreres, family or friends will treat you with respect and understanding.

~Prior, Fr. Anastasius Reiser

Lenten Prior's Message - Part 4

Becoming aware of the moment.

How often do we rush through the day, lost in thought, without really noticing what is happening around us? How often do we speak without realizing what our words actually mean? This carelessness can lead us to realize afterwards that we may have said or done the wrong thing.

One moment at Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania

The art of becoming aware of the moment lies in capturing the moment and understanding what it is trying to tell us. It is about being present, living in the here and now and consciously perceiving the signals that life sends us.

An important aspect of this awareness is the ability to wait. We are often so intent on acting or speaking quickly that we forget that sometimes it is better to pause for a moment and reflect before we act. Fasting is not only about abstaining from certain foods, but also about consciously taking time to wait - waiting a second before we react can make a big difference.

The people around me - discretion

This brings us to the point of discretion toward the world in which we live. We need to be aware of who is part of our inner circle and who we can open up to. We don't have to tell everyone everything - sometimes it's better to keep certain things to ourselves or to share them only with those who are really close to us and have our best interests at heart.

These 40 days could also be a time to live more consciously, to seize the moment, to understand the small signals of life in our confreres, in our friends, but also in nature and in the environment. And to learn to be patient and to wait when necessary. And let's be careful who we open up to and who we don’t.

~Fr. Anastasius Reiser, OSB

Lenten Prior's Message - Part 3

Fasting is more – community inspires us

Lent is often associated with abstinence and deprivation, and there were indeed times when fasting had an oppressive meaning. People were forced to fast without knowing why they were doing it. This forced fasting left a bad taste that can still be felt today.

“Tanzanian Sisters on a mountain - lent time to change the view"

However, we should not only see Lent as a time of compulsion and deprivation. Rather, we should see it as a time of voluntary self-reflection and spiritual growth. If we decide together to give up certain things during Lent, be it food, certain habits or negative thoughts, then we can benefit much more as a community than if everyone were to fast on their own.

In a community, we find support and encouragement to achieve our goals. We can learn from each other and inspire each other. Lent thus becomes a time of community in which we accompany each other on our spiritual journey.

Fasting – cleansing for a new beginning

But Lent is more than just a time of abstinence. It is a time of new beginnings, change and renewal. It reminds us that we are not bound by our old habits and patterns, but that we have the opportunity to change our lives and move forward.

A monk lives his whole life according to the principles of Lent, says Benedict. His life is a constant new beginning, a life of the free spirit that does not allow itself to be restricted by external constraints and limitations. As a role model for us all, the monk shows that a life of spiritual freedom and inner peace is possible if we are prepared to let go of our selfish desires and cravings.

~ Prior, Fr. Anastasius Reiser, OSB

Lenten Prior's Message - Part 2

Dear Friends.

It is important to recognize that all cultures and religions know a time of purification. Whether it is the Christian fast in preparation for Easter or other periods of fasting in different religions, they all share the goal of purification and inner reflection.

In the time of Jesus, fasting was indeed a common practice in Judaism. The Jewish literature of the Second Temple period (before Christ and around his time) advocates fasting as a way of recompense for sins and for various other reasons. The Didache, a Christian text from the same period, also discusses pre-baptismal fasting practices, indicating that fasting was a well-established custom in the Jewish Christian community. Additionally, the Bible and other ancient Jewish texts make references to various fast days and the purposes of fasting, further highlighting its significance in Judaism.

So, Jesus’s background of his fasting came from the Old Testament, Moses on the Mountain Sinai, Israel’s people 40 years in the desert…

Christian Fasting

Early Christians followed a fasting tradition that took various forms, including baptismal fasting and Eucharistic fasting. These practices were not only physical in nature, but above all had a spiritual significance.

Baptismal fasting was a time of preparation for baptism, a time of prayer, repentance and cleansing of sins. It was a time to consciously prepare for the spiritual journey that began with baptism. Likewise, Eucharistic fasting was a time of preparation for receiving the Eucharist, the body and blood of Christ. It was a time to prepare for Holy Communion and to reflect on the meaning of this sacrament.

Nowadays, fasting is often seen more in terms of the body. Many people use fasting as a way to lose weight or live healthier lives. But even though fasting can have physical benefits, we should not forget that it is first and foremost a spiritual exercise. It is a time of abstinence and surrender, a time to draw closer to God and deepen our faith.

In sport, fasting often has a clear goal: to win. Athletes give up certain things in order to improve their performance and be successful. Similarly, we too should have a goal when fasting: the renewal of our spirit and our relationship with God. St. Benedict reminds us that fasting should be a time of rejoicing in the Holy Spirit. It is a time to free ourselves from everything that separates us from God and to open ourselves anew to his love and grace.

So, during this time of Lent, let us not only pay attention to our diet, but also to our spiritual health. Let us consciously approach God in prayer and repentance and allow ourselves to be renewed by his love.

~Fr. Anastasius Reiser, OSB

Lenten Prior's Message - Part 1

Dear Friends,

Today I would like to talk to you about a practice or experience that affects us all and unites us in different cultures and religions: Lent. Lent is a time of purification, reflection and spiritual development practiced in all cultures and all religions around the world.

In many parts of the world, including here, Lent marks a time of abstinence and self-reflection. It is a time when we consciously distance ourselves from worldly distractions in order to deepen our connection to our faith and strengthen our spiritual relationship.

Our fasting and the hunger in the world

But while we're talking about fasting and renunciation here, I'd also like to include perspective from other parts of the world where we Missionary Benedictines live. Take spring in Tanzania, for example. There, in many rural areas, the first months of the year not only means the start of a new season, but also a time of hunger. Harvests are insufficient, last year's supplies have been used up and people are faced with the challenge of feeding their families.

In this time of physical hunger, it becomes clear how privileged we often are that we can consciously choose to go without, whereas for many people around the world, going without is an unavoidable reality.

During this time of fasting, it is therefore not only important to reflect on our own renunciation, but also on how we as communities and as a global community can stand in solidarity with those facing physical hunger. It is a time when we can use our spiritual connection to actively contribute to alleviating the suffering of others and to live the values of charity and care.

Let us use this Lenten season to not only cleanse our own hearts, but also to touch the hearts of those in need of our support. May this time of reflection and renunciation bring us closer to God and inspire us to carry the light of hope and love into the world.

~Fr. Anastasius Reiser, OSB

Homily - February 11, 2024

Mk 1:40-45
Lev 13:1-2.44-46 1
Cor 10:31-11:1

focus: The story of the leper’s healing invites us to acknowledge our own sore spots and to hold our wounds in body and soul out to Jesus that he may touch and heal them.

function:  So, we ourselves can become healers, wounded healers for others.

At the time of my missionary assignment to Tanzania, East Africa, in the 1990’s a leper colony was still in existence near Ndanda Abbey where I was stationed.  I met the famous Missionary Benedictine Sr. Lia from Germany who was later, in 2001, honored for her outstanding work by then Prince Charles with the Order of the British Empire.  When I got to know her, Sr. Lia was in her 90s and by then had cared for lepers with great dedication for over 50 years.

The lepers lived together in a separate camp between the towns of Ndanda and Mwena.  Sr. Lia, lay helper Inge, and their co-workers provided the patients with medicine and other assistance, at the risk, especially during the early days, of being infected themselves.

Leprosy can be cured today. The people who continued to live there in the 1990s, the so-called burned out cases, were still marked by the illness; they had missing or deformed limbs. Their illness didn’t progress anymore, however, because of the medicine.  Today leprosy can be treated early on in the hospital; and the buildings of the former leper camp are used for a different purpose.  The memory however, of the lepers, living apart from the other villagers and being cared for lovingly and skillfully by Sr. Lia and her team, is unforgettable to me.

In Holy Scripture, the word leprosy refers to several different skin diseases, not only leprosy. And they were all viewed as contagious. Because of this danger of infection — we heard it in today’s first reading — as a leper you were isolated and alienated.  The stigma of leprosy was public; you went around crying “unclean, unclean.”  In effect you had to tell people to stay away. You can imagine the shame in that.

Over and above that, Jewish law added a further expulsion for the so-called leper:  Because you were ritually unclean, you were forbidden to go to the synagogue and to the temple. Not only were you cut off from family and friends, but also from in communal worship.  That gave you the impression that you were separated from God, too!

The leper in today’s gospel approaches Jesus as a man of power.  You have the power, you can make me clean, he tells him. He also appeals to what Jesus wants to do: “If you wish you can…” Jesus does not recede, despite the potential for infection and for becoming unclean himself.  He is moved with compassion. He touches the man.  “I do will it. Be made clean,” Jesus says; and the leper is healed.

Now the man, healed and restored to community with God and with the people, “spreads the report abroad.” He becomes, as we would say today, a missionary disciple.

Jesus has come among us to show us God’s compassion for the outcast.   His compassion and love were so deep that he even risked his own exclusion.  “He remained outside in deserted places.” Ultimately, Jesus’ compassion brought him to the most serious isolation and exclusion of all:  he was nailed to a cross between two thieves.

My sisters and brothers, Today’s gospel invites us to acknowledge our own sore spots, whatever they are, and to hold our wounds of body and soul out to Jesus that he may touch and heal them. So, we ourselves can become healers, wounded healers, for others.

Jesus is present here and now, with his power to heal. The first half of every Eucharist is about acknowledging and accepting:  In the Penitential Act, we bring our shadow sides before God. In the Liturgy of the Word, the Scriptures proclaim to us our light, our greatness. We are God’s beloved; that makes us great and honored.  Jesus reveals God’s powerful healing love to us today. We only have to accept it.

The Liturgy of the Eucharist then is about handing over and receiving.  We hand over to God with the Eucharistic gifts whatever is going on in our lives.  Jesus’ Last Supper and his death become present, a death moved by loveHere he stretches out his hand to feed us with the power of that love.

We are meant to let ourselves be touched and fed by him, so that we can stretch out our hand for the acceptance, understanding and healing of others. The power of love that moves us when Jesus touches us will find its expression in whom we touch.  To whom are we meant to stretch out our helping hand this week? What we do may not be as heroic as what Sr. Lia and here team did in Tanzania.  It may sometimes be as simple as writing a note, making a phone call or visiting an elderly person in a nursing home.

Today is the World Day of Prayer for the Sick. Not the least of what we can do for sick and suffering people is pray for them, for God’s healing touch, and that, in the midst of troubles, the Lord may fill them with joy, the joy of His presence

~Fr. Thomas Leitner, OSB

Homily Christmas (Night) 2023

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

When we celebrate people's anniversaries or birthdays, we celebrate the person who is with us now more than the person who was born 40, 50, 60 or 80 years ago. We bring good wishes, speeches, some gifts to the celebration and celebrate our connection that we have now in the present with that person or institution. I was touched by the homily of Abbot Primate in Conception during the celebration of the 150. Jubilee of the Abbey, when he started with a quote of Psalm 96:

“Sing a new song to the Lord”

Even that is a verse we sing all the times during prayer times, week be week, year by year. And now already for more than 2500 years since the Psalms were written. We celebrate Christmas: New life, God becomes a baby, becomes new.

“A child has been born to us,” we heard tonight.

We know this in our families: we are happy about children. They bring something new into our lives. Generation after generation pass on the life they received from God in the beginning. In the family, in society, we prepare for this new life a home and protect it. We don't have to do anything for that. It's only natural that we look after the children. And in doing so, we are responsible for the new life. Old and new comes together; parents and children, one generation to the next.

As you remember I was as well very touched by a speech of Pope Paul VI 1970 on the feast day of our Lady of Guadalupe: He said in 1970: “Christians can do no less than to show solidarity in seeking a solution to the situation of those to whom the bread of culture has not yet come nor the opportunity of honorable and justly remunerated work. They cannot remain indifferent while new generations find no path for the realization of their legitimate aspirations, and while part of humanity continues to be placed at the margins of the advantages of civilization and progress.” “While new generations find no path for the realization of their legitimate aspirations…” In 1970 the new generations are us! We who are sitting here. And the words are still up to date. New and old come together. And Pope Francis writes about this responsibility in his encyclical Laudato Si, in which he writes about our responsibility to creation:

“First, we have a personal responsibility to respect others and our natural environment, i.e. our personal responsibility cannot be separated from our social responsibility. In other words, our duties towards others are not just up to us, because - in the understanding of Laudato-Si “everything is a gift, that we did not create ourselves nor nature, that we ourselves do not have the final word, that everything is not simply our property that we can use for ourselves alone or according to our wishes alone (LS, 6)”. Corporate social responsibility thus entails a duty to ensure that the corporate strategy and the cooperation with all stakeholders contribute to human and environmental flourishing “in line with God’s original gift of all that is” (LS, 5). As Laudato Si explains, this starts with respecting first and foremost the fundamental dignity of all human persons, and also, as the encyclical emphasizes, very much includes respecting the worth of all other creatures and all of creation as well.”

For more than 2000 years Jewish people and then Christians sang that “new song to the Lord”. Generations after generations sang this song. As a new generation thinking of the next generation of their children, may be standing next to them while singing, who came after them. And those children did in the same way as their parents did. One generation with the same new song, generation after generation.

More than 50 years ago Pope Paul VI said: “They cannot remain indifferent while new generations find no path for the realization of their legitimate aspirations.” This new generation the Pope is talking about is us! We are this new generation 50 years ago! Everyone can count how old he was: May be 5, 10, 15, 20, or 30? Young people, and now we are 60, 70, 80 years old.

Our heart remains the same. Sometimes together with our body our mood is getting older. But we should not lose hope. First of all: Stay spiritually young and positive! You have still that young heart, the same heart you had 50 years ago. As children, we still had the world in front of us. We had plans for our lives. And our parents supported us in some of our ideas to realize those plans.

Now it's up to us to support the plans of the next generation that follows us. This is a mission that is given to us at Christmas. Old and new come together. Old people, young people, old ideas, new ideas. God becomes new, he becomes new again and again. And so, God is a God who creates new life, even in those who think they are old and exhausted

"Sing to the Lord a new song." Again and again this old song, so that life goes on and generations after us have a world where life is worth to live.


~Prior, Fr. Anastasius Reiser, OSB

Homily - November 19th, 2023

focus: God has given unique gifts and abilities, talents, to each one of us.

function: We are called upon and challenged to use them to the full for building up the kingdom of God. 

As I was praying with today’s gospel, a comment came to my mind that our associate pastor in Germany made back when I was a teen.  Father Paul said to my mother: “Basti wants to be challenged!”  Basti was my nickname at this time, derived from my baptismal name Sebastian.  My mom shared this comment with me.

The young priest had made reference to my activities in the parish. There were a lot of youth programs at this time at my home parish of Holy Savior in Noerdlingen; and I was involved as the leader of an altar servers’ group, facilitated sessions in the youth’s bible study, and helped with social outreach to the poorthrough another youth group. However, by nature I was introverted and somewhat shy.  Therefore, I needed encouragement and challenge. I received both from the priest who was in charge of youth ministry.  This helped me to discover my gifts and abilities and to develop them. “Basti wants to be challenged!”

Gifts, “talents,” and their use are also the topic of Jesus’ parable in today’s gospel. There is this man who entrusts his property to his servants while he travels abroad.  He is an enterprising employer who hopes that his own involvement and daring in business matters will be reflected in his servants’ attitude to this challenge.  He doesn’t tell them what to do with the “talents.”  He trusts that they will use their own initiative and imagination in their economic venture.

As in all stories and jokes with three characters, our attention is focused on number three: the third servant is portrayed as the one who refuses to engage with the spirit of the enterprise.  He believes that the safest way to handle his talent is to bury it and to return it intact to his master.

It’s worth noting that the servants receive gifts that differ.  It is not the number of a person’s talents that is important, either. What matters is how he/she uses them. God never expects from us abilities which we really don’t have.  However, we are meant to use to the full in the service of God and of other people those abilities that we do have.

I always empathized with the third servant, perhaps because it was quite a learning process for me  to acknowledge and use my gifts! The third servant was afraid of taking a risk. He didn’t lose his talent; he simply didn’t do anything with it. The master seems to think though that even if he had invested it and lost the money, it would have been better than doing nothing at all. Here is exactly Jesus’ message for us: Using our talents for good can mean going beyond our comfort zone, can involve risk-taking.   Volunteering for a task at the parish, for example, or in the monastery, can be the right thing to do   even if it presents us with a new and unfamiliar challenge!

Today’s second reading is taken from St. Paul’s 1st Letter to the Thessalonians, an early Christian community that the apostle was particularly fond of.  He begins this letter saying: We call to mind “your work of faith and labor of love and endurance in hope of our Lord Jesus Christ.” The Christians in Thessalonica worked on their faith: they actively stayed in touch with God through prayer, they gathered on the day of the Lord for the breaking of the bread, the Eucharist, they heard the word of Holy Scripture and let it dwell in their hearts richly.  Thus, they were children of the light, ready for and attentive to Christ whenever and wherever he encountered them.  St. Paul saw this and he acknowledged it. He praised them for that.

My sisters and brothers, God has given unique gifts and abilities, talents, to each one of us. We are called upon and challenged to use them to the full for building up the kingdom of God.

Maybe it would be a good idea today or this week to name some of the strengths and gifts that God has given us and to thank God for them. For some of us it may take a little while till something comes up!  Plus, we can ask God to show us whether there are perhaps new and different ways in which we can make use of them.  We are the light of the world, Jesus tells us.  How can we let our light shine more brightly? Which obstacles obstruct that shining?

How can we do what Father Paul did with me, namely help others to discern their gifts and encourage them to use them? Sometimes, it may be good to say to someone, perhaps a young person if this is the way we feel: I notice that you are a man, a woman of prayer and that you really care for other people.  I think, you would make a good priest, monk, Sister, lector, EMHC, …  

Using our God-given talents and strengths with constancy for the service of God and others can be challenging, but, as today’s collect assures us, it is lasting happiness.  Doing so means sharing our Master’s joy, here on this earth and after this life in fullness in heaven.                                      


~Fr. Thomas Leitner, OSB