Dear Friends,
Artificial Intelligence seems to be on everyone’s mind right now. Pope Francis’ points in his Message for this year’s World Day of Peace titled, Artificial Intelligence and Peace to its positive side.AI could introduce important innovations in agriculture, education and culture [and] an improved level of life for entire nations and peoples (#6).
However, the pope also mentions that AI’s automated processes could be used to judge the reliability of an applicant for a mortgage, the suitability of an individual for a job, the probability of a convict’s recidivism, and so much more. Machines could lead us to setting aside human values like compassion, forgiveness and belief in an individual’s ability to make a new beginning (#5)!
Critical thanking and discernment are very necessary in this new world. Another example is a well-known Catholic website’s use of a chatbot to answer people’s faith questions. The character, first called “Father Justin,” needed to be renamed “Justin,” however, in order to make it clear to everyone that while a robot can provide good answers from the Catholic tradition, he cannot grant online absolution and witness to the sacrament of matrimony!
To the Ends of the Earth, Donald Jackson with contributions from Andrew Jamieson and Sally Mae Joseph, Copyright 2002, The Saint John’s Bible, Saint John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota USA. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
One illumination of The Saint John’s Bible shows a picture of the earth from outer space. In our globalized world, we as people with our human warmth, kindness and conviction are indispensable as witness to the person of Jesus Christ and messengers to his Good News to the ends of the earth! Then there is hope for humanity! – St. Benedict Center is a place to learn about our faith, to get to know Holy Scripture, and to be equipped for discipleship!
From our monastery I can report that several younger brother monks from our motherhouse in Germany have joined us: Br. Samuel brings new ideas and energy to our gift shop. Br. Moses, a nurse, will assist our older confreres and help in the administration of St. Benedict Center.
Especially worth noting among the upcoming events of our program schedule is the weekend retreat titled, Strengthening Your Core: Spiritual Fitness with St. Benedict. The presenter is Rev. Dr. Jane Tomaine from New Jersey who has an exceptional gift to show concrete ways in which the 6th century Rule of Benedict can be a solid guide for spiritual living in our time. – I am looking forward to seeing you again soon!
Fr. Thomas Leitner, OSB, Administrator