Dear Friends,
Milkweed and Butterfly, Chris Tomlin, Copyright 2002, The Saint John’s Bible, Saint John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota USA. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
I marvel about the work of Chris Tomlin, a natural history illustrator, for The Saint John’s Bible. The plants and animals he depicts are of photographic accuracy and their beauty is stunning. Tomlins illumination, Milkweed and Butterflies appears at the end of Mark’s Gospel and points to the Resurrection of Jesus. He who gave his life for us now lives – and shows us the way to life with God and to life in fullness.
This truth is also expressed in the following parable that can give us pause: One caterpillar says, “Guess what, I’ve heard that we will perhaps be able to fly one day.” – “Nonsense!” the other replies. “You can slip and fly off the leaf, so you fall on your head, and it hurts. Our life is crawling and eating.” – “But don’t you think there is perhaps more than eating and crawling?” the one asks. “Fantasy pure, and empty talk,” the other retorts. “Have you ever seen a flying caterpillar? We eat, crawl, and someday we will die. Then it’s over.”
If the two only knew what will become of them: They will be beautiful, colorful, joyful butterflies! Of course, as long as they move only in their caterpillar world, they have no idea of what it is like to fly. As long as we move in our human caterpillar world, talk about resurrection appears enigmatic. Our life is crawling and eating. Pope Francis points out in his encyclical Laudato Si’ that it is necessary for us to step out of the “technocratic paradigm” of producing and consuming in which we so often live, in order to be able to see the beauty of creation and to discover the deeper meaning of life. – A retreat at St. Benedict Center can widen our horizon and open our hearts to the power and love of God.
Our permanent display of The Saint John’s Bible, this wonderful handwritten and illuminated seven-volume bible, is increasingly popular among groups and individuals. Please schedule your visit for a tour or a lectio and visio divina experience or take a self-guided tour! – Especially worth noting among the upcoming events of our program schedule is the weekend retreat on July 28 – 30 with Benedictine Oblate and author Judith Valente titled, Thomas Merton and Dorothy Day: Contemplative Wisdom for Crisis Times. Judy will show us how these two remarkable 20th century persons of prayer and action can help us deal with the personal and social challenges that we face today. – I am looking forward to seeing you again soon!
Fr. Thomas Leitner, OSB, Administrator