Bind and blind and uproot, cast down and into the abyss of eternal woe, reserved for Satan and his legions, every spirit of envy, setback, forgetfulness, black magic, jealousy, poverty, injustice, loss, betrayal, havoc, chaos, freemasonry, familiarity and jezebel and every spirit in their network and every fiery arrow targeting me, especially through means of sorcery and witchcraft, including every spirit working through persons with evil and wicked mind to harm me in any way and create stumbling blocks. May heaven make war against them all. Judges 5:20, 31, Psalm 76:5. Saint Michael defend me in battle this very moment along with all of your legions against the powers of sin and death by the power of God. May Goodness and Mercy pursue me and follow me all the days of my life.