I am a Catholic with a strong belief in GOD that for the most part has led a wasted life. For many years I struggled with drugs and alcohol, and still do to a lesser degree than I was when I was young. I worked many years and basically was responsible just enough to pay the bills and put food on the table. I am married to a good wife for 46 years who has stuck by me through the ups and downs. But I don't live, I just exist. I let my wife do what she wants, go where she wants and she has been a good wife through it all. She spends most of her time with her sister who lives with us [never married]. I am ok with that because I have always isolated myself from the world after I cleaned up my act. I still manage to sit back in my little world with legal drugs [opiotes for pain although not anymore for about 3 years. anti depressants and otc drugs I buy and abuse usually. ANYWAY, I struggle to find a way to finish my life in a useful way that would please GOD. Selfishly I look to do this to try to make things right with GOD before I die so I may get to Heavan. I know I already have a place there because of my firm beliefs, I just want to try to show GOD I can change my selfish lazy ways before I die to enhance the situation. That's about it, please pray for me and GOD's guidance. I am sending a small gift with this for you to use as you see fit. Thanks !