The confreres of Ndanda Abbey in Tanzania are back in Mozambique. Following times of unrest in the country, they started anew at a new location. We rejoice with the community and pledge to be of assistance, as we have done in the past. The following is a message from Ndanda:
We are grateful to the Almighty God. With the support of our Congregation and especially because of the huge support of Missio-Austria and so many benefactors from Europe and America - at last, today, the construction work for the first building of ST. BENEDICT MONASTERY MECÚA in Mozambique has started. The blessing, which was the sign that the work has started off, was given by His Grace Ignacio Saure, the Archbishop of Nampula. God willing, in 8 months the work will be finished and the long-awaited community life in Mecúa will commence. Two words: JOY! GRATEFULNESS!
Development of Marian Shrine at Mvimwa, Tanzania
Fr. Francis, OSB of Holy Spirit Abbey, responsible for the Marian Shrine, works with young confreres. They have already prepared the ground and grotto. Pilgrims come regularly for Holy Mass and devotions. Friends of the Mission House provided funding to bring a water line to the site. Fr. Francis writes:
Fruits of our labor...Harvesting a good quality native coffee...Praise God for His wondrous deeds...
Pilgrim Group at Mvimwa Marian Shrine
Work in Progress – Convent Addition in Chipole – funded by friends of the Benedictine Mission House

Monastic Vows at Mvimwa – Holy Spirit Abbey – May 31, 2023
It was a joyous day when 6 novices of Holy Spirit Abbey made their first monastic vows before Abbot Pambo, the community and faithful who gathered for the occasion. During the same liturgy, two monks made their Solemn Profession as Missionary Benedictines.