Summer Message from Bro. Tobias — Christ the King Priory

Summer Message from Bro. Tobias

Summer 2021

It has been some time since I gave an update on fundraising appeals to which our friends so generously responded in spite of the uncertainty what needs might come up due to the ongoing covid-19 pandemic.

The healing touch of Jesus is at work and we thank God that vaccination and other precautionary measures have kept our community safe. Sure, we too deal with occasional health issues and pray that by the grace of God we can continue our ministries. Work at the retreat house is going well with more groups attending programs and individuals seeking assistance for the spiritual journey through the Sacrament of Reconciliation or a session in spiritual direction.

In late June, I facilitated a program with the title “Jesus the Divine Healer.” It was a powerful experience as we shared in Lectio Divina and Visio Divina – the prayerful reading of a Gospel passage and using the images of “The Two Cures” from The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition that is on permanent display at St. Benedict Center.

On the Solemnity of St. Benedict, July 11, we welcomed back the faithful from the surrounding area and retreatants to celebrate Eucharist with us. After 18 months of no congregation for liturgy, it sure was a blessing to be together with others, yet observing social distancing and voluntary mask recommendation.

A word of thanks!


Our friends from near and far reach out to us so that we can help others. This is so evident in the appeals that we mailed earlier this year and posted on our website. As a fundraiser for the various ministries of the Missionary Benedictines around the world, and as directed by the Conference of Mission Procurators, our office raised during Lent $140,000 to help our monks in Tororo, Uganda. The Sacred Heart appeal mailed in May gives us the opportunity to help the monks of St. Theresa Priory in Katibunga, Zambia, with $140,000 for the poultry project and the needed financial support towards self-sustainability. In an email, dated August 25, I was happy to bring greetings to our friends from the monks of Hanga Abbey stationed at Coland Secondary School and their students for the support of their renovation and expansion project.


As of August 25, we raised $84,000 for Coland Secondary School in Tanzania. The budget for the project presented to the Conference of Mission Procurators estimated the total cost at $94,000. I am confident that we can reach the goal eventually. I encouraged our confreres not to give up hope!


On the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary, August 15, we concluded the Nine Day Novena of Prayer and Holy Mass for the intentions of the benefactors. Our heavenly Mother Mary, I am sure, will intercede with her Divine Son for you and your loved ones.


In early September, the pre-chapter conference series will take place as a virtual event at which I will represent our office. This video conference series brings members of our international Congregation of Missionary Benedictines together. The promoter for the General Chapter 2022 is aware of the various time zones involved so that representatives from Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas can meet together. Technology makes such meetings possible. I hope that international travel without too many restrictions is possible by the time the General Chapter 2022 will take place at St. Ottilien, Germany.

Occasionally professional experts reach out to us offering their services. I decline such services since it is our policy that all funds raised go 100% to the project or as directed by our friends and supporters. Unfortunately, ways of finding new friends is an expense we have to absorb. For this, we rely on the help of a reliable vendor and friend. We cover our expenses with the income of an endowment fund established many years ago.

Even with the new postage rates going into effect on August 29, we will continue communicating with you, our friends by sending our acknowledgements as soon as possible and as personal using first class postage. You deserve this and this is our promise to you!

Our world is in great need of God’s healing touch so that nations can live in peace. We are witnesses of the ongoing acts of terrorism and ethnic divisions. Let us pray for peace and for the Church as it experiences many trials.  In one of my favorite hymns, written by Sr. Delores Dufner O.S.B. of St. Benedict Monastery in St. Joseph, MN, we sing:

Then let us go to serve in peace, the gospel to proclaim,

God’s Spirit has empowered us; we go in Jesus name.

Soon you will receive the invitation to send us the names of your departed loved ones for the daily remembrance at Mass during November. The departed loved ones are our intercessors with God.

In the meantime, stay healthy and know that we think of you and pray for you!


                        Bro. Tobias, OSB
