There are times when I procrastinate intentionally…
There are times when I claim that the Holy Spirit, on whose inspiration I depend in my work of communicating with donors or in writing appeals or acknowledgement letters, seems to be on vacation…
At times a gentle push is needed to get me started.
Once I have discovered text from Sacred Scripture, or found an inspirational quote, or a message by one of our many missionaries with whom I correspond, then I am relieved and pressure which I imposed on myself slowly disappears.
It has been some time since I posted on the Mission House blog. I can come up with excuses. However, today I just wish to check in with our friends near and far.
We are not alone!
How are you doing these days? What impact has the corona virus in your personal life? How have recent events in our country and around the world affected you personally?
Such questions have been asked of me by the facilitators of my ongoing spiritual direction formation group but also by Abbot Michael with whom the community had a zoom conference on Friday, June 12. All monks of Christ the King Priory shared their personal reflection. No one can predict what the future holds in store and how long the corona virus will ravage among society. My response was and still is: “live in the present moment and have a positive attitude!”
Of course there are worries and feelings that emerge. There may be fear; uncertainty how all of this effects one’s personal health and economic security. When will we be able to interact more freely with family members and friends? Even though we see restrictions easing up, we still need to take the recommended precautions serious. There are daily reports of new cases in the United States and around the world.
Thank God, the community and our coworkers are well. We take precautions of social distancing and not all employees are on site every day. As soon as we have to leave for doctor appointments, shopping, or the daily business errands in town, we wear a mask. In chapel and at table we sit apart, keeping the social distancing. Thank God, now that the weather is nice we can have daily recreation outdoors and still keeping the suggested distancing.
The daily routine of prayer and work is not interrupted. However strange as it is, we celebrate Eucharist without retreatants or the faithful from the area. We remember the intentions of our friends. Please let us know your intentions to be included. Our daily Eucharist and Vespers are livestreamed on Facebook. Like us on Christ the King Priory and unite with us in prayer. Thank God that the Church is not confined to a building. We are the living stones – we are Church!
What did we learn in these first 6 months of 2020?
I personally believe that the corona crisis and world events have drawn us to a closer relationship with our Creator. I can find solace and strength in Sacred Scripture and in prayer. Jesus tells us clearly: “I am with you always!”
All life matters!
We claim that we are a Nation under God! The sacredness of life from conception to natural death is our Christian belief. World history and our own nation’s history document dark periods that claimed lives as result of wars, natural disasters, health pandemics and social unrest. We have been made aware of the struggles that ended slavery in our own nation, the injustice imposed on our Native American brothers and sisters. The United States of America is a “melting pot” that has brought together people from diverse ethnic backgrounds. We claim to have equal rights. Can we also acknowledge that as a nation and individuals we have, at times, failed to uphold the dignity of each human being?
The Rule of St. Benedict opens with the word “Listen!” I believe that this is the lesson for us today: listen to the voice of the underprivileged of society, especially of ethnic minorities. As people of God we can take the first steps and bring about change! Together we can move forward.
A word which gives me encouragement and hope for the days ahead:
Abbot Notker Wolf, O.S.B.
Abbot Notker Wolf, O.S.B. who served our Congregation as Archabbot and Abbot President from October 1977 to September 2000, and then as Abbot Primate of all Benedictines in the world until September 2016, shared this insight on the occasion of his 80th birthday recently:
“Always take life seriously, but not too serious!
Enjoy life! Joy is important.
This is the best medicine which helps even to reach old age!”
I wish us God’s choicest blessings for each day to come and the inner peace which will guide us even in times of uncertainty. God is with us!
I welcome your comments, thoughts, and/or experiences with the challenges of our time!
Thank you for your friendship! We monks remember you in our daily prayer!
Br. Tobias, O.S. B.
Director of Development