In the Spotlight - Brother Sebastian Goldade
Beauty surrounds you every direction you look at the Benedictine Mission House. Adding to that beauty are the wonderful potted Cannas plants that our own Brother Sebastian tends to each year. The warm temperatures and humidity that people may find uncomfortable make these plants produce brilliant foliage and flowers. Each year he carefully plants the tubers and waits for them to sprout and grow. In the Fall after the first frost the foliage gets cut off and he removes the tubers from the pots. These are stored in a dark cool place over the winter and then planted again in the Spring.
Growing beautiful Cannas is only one of Brother Sebastian’s many talents. He also runs the Vesture Shop. There are several sewing machines and other “tools of the trade” within his shop walls and he creates stunning vestments and altar cloths that are sold and shipped to religious organizations all over the world.