Community Retreat
The demands of a busy life and daily responsibilities suggest preventive steps to counteract the possibility of burnout by making time for physical and spiritual renewal.
Even monks are not spared from the demands of daily life and our routine of “Ora et Labora” – of “Prayer and Work” needs an annual refresher course provided by days for spiritual renewal. From November 6th through 10th, we gathered in community for the retreat experience facilitated by Fr. Otto Betler, O.S.B. from the Archabbey of St. Ottilien, Germany, where he serves as novice master. Fr. Otto is a native of Cleveland, OH. His family made their home in the little village of Helvetia, West Virginia.
Our retreat experience was not a traditional preached retreat, but a time of sharing about our journey that brought us to the community of Christ the King Priory and what binds us together as a community of brothers under the Rule of St. Benedict.