90 Years in Nebraska
Missionary Benedictines look back on 90 years of presence in Nebraska
Earlier this year it was suggested that it would be appropriate to write an article for our website, reflecting on our history and ministries. Since I was privileged of knowing two of our founding fathers, namely Br. Felix Meckel, OSB (died January 27, 1980) and Br. Egbert Backer, OSB (died January 1, 1994), I am honored to do so.
I would like to refer to the landing page of our website www.missionmonks.org where you can learn more about our history, our way of life, our work, and significant events and also view videos of interviews with members of the community.
Brothers Felix and Egbert were joined by Br. Placidus as the third monk who helped establishing the Benedictine Mission House in Schuyler. In the late 1920s, Muensterschwarzach Abbey in Franconia (founded in 816, secularized in 1803, and re-founded in 1913) sent brothers to visit relatives and friends of the community living in America, soliciting financial help for the community back home. At the time, Germany suffered from economic hardships. Living and working from a hospital in New York City that provided temporary accommodation for the brothers was not the ideal solution especially at a time when a new regime came to power in their homeland.
Br. Egbert recalled many times that it was on a cold winter night in 1935 when the group of three pioneers arrived by train in Schuyler. The pastor of St. Augustine’s Church, Fr. Dobson, welcomed the monks. Eventually they took up residence in an empty standing convent and school for music and home economics operated by the Notre Dame Sisters of Omaha, who, like so many other residents of Schuyler and Colfax County, trace their heritage to Bohemia, today part of the Czech Republic. Bishop Rummel of Omaha granted permission that the monks could settle in his diocese and conduct their work of fundraising in support of the Missionary Benedictines in former German East Africa and in Korea
The foundation date for the Benedictine Mission House is March 31, 1935. Br. Egbert was instrumental in all the renovations of the house to make it a home, monastery, and mission office. The priests of the Mission House assisted with the celebration of the Sacraments and Eucharist in both parishes in Schuyler, St. Augustine and St. Mary, and wherever help was needed. Several brothers took care of the house, garden, donor correspondence, etc. while up to five brothers traveled the country for 9 months each year keeping in touch with donors and in search of people who might support the work of the Missionary Benedictines in Africa and Asia.
The old frame building on West 10th Street in Schuyler, next to St. Mary’s church and rectory, eventually became too crowded with all the fundraising activities that included correspondence, printing and mail processing in the basement of the house. The community went through a long and difficult process in deciding if we should relocate. Through the generosity of the Anna Ehernberger family, a 15-acre plot of pastureland was donated for a new monastery and mission office.
On September 1, 1979, the community moved to its new location four miles north of town on Road I, also known as St. Benedict Road. Archbishop Daniel Sheehan of Omaha dedicated the chapel to Christ the King on September 16 that year.
On July 11, 1985, the new home for the monks was canonically erected as a Simple Priory under the patronage of Christ the King. It is a dependent house under the auspices of Muensterschwarzach Abbey. The monks accepted the challenge of their abbot to expand their work from fundraising to becoming a spiritual oasis in the heartland of America.
On July 11, 1997, the retreat house and conference facility, St. Benedict Center was dedicated in the presence of many friends from near and far. The retreat house can accommodate 100 people overnight and offer meeting space for several groups at the same time. Christ the King Priory and St. Benedict Center are well known for their hospitality, beauty of facility and grounds, thanks to a dedicated staff.
During the 90 years of Benedictine presence in Schuyler, the community followed the Rule of St. Benedict to the best of its ability. The routine of prayer and work is observed. The community gathers four times each day for the Liturgy of the Hours, in addition to the daily celebration of the Eucharist at 11:00 AM. On Sunday, monks, retreatants and faithful from the area gathers at 9:00 AM at St. Benedict Center. Visitors are always welcome to participate.
The list of monks who have lived and prayed here at the Mission House – Christ the King Priory is long. Each one left his mark and memories are still alive. Most confreres retired to the abbey, while four, including Br. Felix, found their final resting place in our own cemetery to the east of our campus, overlooking the Platte Valley where they await the resurrection.
The community of Christ the King Priory:
Fr. Anastasius Reiser, O.S.B. Prior and Mission Procurator
Fr. Adam Patras, O.S.B. Subprior and Cellerar
Br. Sebastian Goldade, O.S.B. Liturgical Vestment Department
Fr. Thomas Andrew Hillenbrand, O.S.B. Pastoral Ministry
Fr. Volker Futter, O.S.B. Librarian
Br. Tobias Dammert, O.S.B. Director of Development
Fr. Thomas Aquinas Leitner, O.S.B. Administrator – St. Benedict Center
Br. Andrew Fuller, O.S.B. Sacristan
Br. Moses Macalalag, O.S.B. Organist, in-house nurse, receptionist
Br. Samuel Paulus, O.S.B. Manager: St. Benedict Center Books & Gifts
Fr. Paul Kasun, O.S.B., PhD Teacher of Sociology
Together we are committed to the Benedictine values of prayer, community, hospitality and the witness to which Jesus invites all his disciples. We are “Pilgrims of Hope” – aware of our history and the challenges ahead. Pope Francis, in his message for World Mission Sunday 2025 calls on us to be “Missionaries of Hope among all Peoples” and in particular to be Christians, bearers and builders of hope among all peoples, and joyful witnesses of the Gospel as we continue to bring the light of Christ to all nations.
For the community,
Bro Tobias Dammert, O.S.B.