Monastery Prayer Requests — Christ the King Priory

We welcome your prayer requests.

Christian prayer and petition is an expression of our communion with our God and Father. It seeks to bring the events and people of our life under the banner of the Kingdom of God and his will. Prayer then is a means of finding peace in the midst of life’s challenges, a way of helping to resolve difficulties and an expression of gratitude.

If you have any worries or know people whom you would like to place in God’s care, we will support your prayers. Submit your prayer request, and we will join in praying for your intention.

Please join us in praying for others.

Five times a day, we gather in our Chapel in order to praise God for his creation. We give him thanks, but also lament and present to God our needs and the needs of the world.

We start in the morning with the Office of Readings and Lauds. After that we have time for "lectio divina", that is prayerful reading of the Holy Scriptures. At noon, we pray Sext and in the evening Vespers. Our day closes with Compline. For the Liturgy of the Hours we use prayers from the Holy Scripture that have been used over and over more than 2,500 years: the Psalms. When we sing them we are united with the whole praying Church.


Vigils & Lauds - 6:35 am
Holy Eucharist - 9:00 am
Midday Prayer - 12:00 pm
Vespers - 5:00 pm
Compline - 6:45 pm


Vigils & Lauds - 6:00 am
Holy Eucharist - 11:00 am
Midday Prayer - 12:00 pm
Vespers - 6:00 pm
Compline - 7:15 pm

The celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours has its culmination in the daily Holy Eucharist. Encountering Jesus, listening to his word and receiving his body, give us the nourishment we need on our journey. The prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours and the Eucharist find their extension in all we do throughout the day — in unceasing prayer. 

Guests and visitors are welcome to join us for any of the prayer times and in the celebration of the Eucharist!

Listen readily to holy reading, and devote yourself often to prayer.
— Rule of St. Benedict 4.55-56